
Bird watching days in Kabli Bird Station

There are spring migration watching days in Kabli Bird Station for wider public.

Pajareando por la Laguna Las Salinas

An activity for observation of birds is offered by the Sociedad Ornitologica Puertorriquena. The activity is also part of the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) of the SCSCB.

Bird walk

A guided bird walk in Wahner Heide Protected Area

Soaring bird Migration watch

We will watch migratory birds of prey and storks.

Kampala International University Bird Club fun day

We are a group of students who enjoy birdwatching and bird identification close to our college, we conduct birdwatching every saturday morning and we have a passion for migratory birds and that's why we decided to be part of World Migratory Bird Day, educating our fellow students on this great phenomenon of birds migrating very long distances.

Migratory Birds of Slovakia's Birds Paradise

SOS/BirdLife Slovakia organizes an event for World Migratory Day in one of the most important birds area of Slovakia. On the first day (May 10) we realize educational activities in Michalovce - this includes a training to observe birds. Birdwatching and the practice event will take place in Birds Paradise - Senne (IBA Senne) during the second day.

Mersi Expo

"Mersi" is the name of bird watching activities that are commonly scheduled by BIONIC (Biology UNY Ornithology Club). The word “Mersi” represents an acronym of the Javanese word “Mersani Peksi”, which means to watch birds. Activity "Mersi" has taken place for 3 years running, but in this year (2008), it is carried out as an exhibition or expo event to touch broader scope of people.

Migratory birds in Burundi

The World Migratory Bird Day will be an opportunity for Burundian to learn what migratory birds are and their importance for biodiversity conservation. Different activities will be organized:
- exposition of Migratory birds,
- talks on migratory birds
- birdwatching
- the National Television will report on the day

Migratory Bird Day

We visit our urban park where there is a very small river and there are migratory and non-migratory birds. We go early in the morning to look for birds. Then we will prepare a multimedia presentation for the event, with photos of the birds and the story of our small river and the swamp area our city was built upon.

Rwanda Birding Association

Starting up the Rwanda Birding Association and bring general awareness to population on their biodiversity.
Rajan Tiwari
Rwanda Birding Association
Started 22/04/2008


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