
SORTIDA a la Reserva de Fauna Salvatge del Pantà de Sant Llorens de Montgai, in Spain

SORTIDA a la Reserva de Fauna Salvatge del Pantà de Sant Llorenç de Montgai (La Noguera), diumenge dia 12 de maig a les 8 del matí al pàrquing de l'embassament. Es donarà a conèixer les aus migratòries, l'ecosistema del bosc de ribera i la fauna més destacada d'aquest espai natural.

CAL PORTAR: roba i calçat adequat * barret i protecció solar * binocles * guia d'ocells si es disposa * bloc de notes i bolígraf * repel·lent d'insectes * beguda * PROHIBIT PORTAR GOSSOS

ORGANITZA: Birding Lleida Expedicions
COL·LABORA: Consell Comarcal de la Noguera

World Migratory Bird Day with Nature Kenya's Site support Groups

Nature Kenya's site support groups or the local conservation groups would be involved in creating awareness about the migratory birds at their respective sites in Kenya. We anticipate to carry out bird watching activities by involving various groups of individuals while giving talks later on migration in general.

Recording migratory birds

Birdwatching trip to record shorebirds on the mudflats and migrant passerines in the forest at Pantei Remis, Perak.

Journée de contact avec les oiseaux migrateurs

A l'occasion de cette journée, nous allons faire connaître aux écoliers de la capitale à travers une séance de sensibilisation, les oiseaux migrateurs, leurs habitats et les trajectoires de leurs mouvements. L'après-midi de la journée sera consacré à une excursion avec les écoliers et les membres du Club Aves sur les sites d'hivernage des oiseaux migrateurs dans les environs de Niamey.

La Cocha y sus visitantes voladoras

En la laguna de la Cocha (Humedal Ramsar de Importancia Internacional)se realizará por tercer año consecutivo la celebración del día de las Aves Migratorias, con los recorridos de observación de Aves y conversatorios del estado de la avifauna local.

Bineshiyag n' ganawaabmaanaanig! "We watch the birds!" Bird Day Celebration

Our second annual celebration of migratory birds with presentations on birding by ear, falconry, and Anishinabe storytelling; displays of native bird nests and taxidermied mounts, gardening for birds, and bird feeding; a bird banding station; kids' crafts and more.

Chiloe Island is part of the Networking for migratory birds

Fieldtrip to do birdwatching and next day visiting our facilities where we are planning a schedule of videos, presentation, training in field, bird research, and games.
The activities are separate for schools and general public.

Ornithologische Exkursion

Ornithologische Exkursion auf Hallig Langeness, Treffpunkt 13.45 Uhr am Lorenbahnhof auf Langeness

"la'uf im ma'aof" - Fly with vision

Bird watching, guided observations in hotspots at Eilat Birdwatching Park, birds ringigng, story tellers, family activities, release of rehabilitated birds at the Israeli Wildlife Hospital, media events and more.


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