
Ornithologische Exkursion

Ornithologische Exkursion auf Hallig Langeness, Treffpunkt 13.45 Uhr am Lorenbahnhof auf Langeness

"la'uf im ma'aof" - Fly with vision

Bird watching, guided observations in hotspots at Eilat Birdwatching Park, birds ringigng, story tellers, family activities, release of rehabilitated birds at the Israeli Wildlife Hospital, media events and more.

Safe Migration

Environment Conservation Group (ECG) along with Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) is organising an educational session on Wetland conservation and Migratory birds followed by a birdwatching activity.

Banff Community Bird Walk

This is a free, fun, and informative volunteer-led bird walk. Everyone is welcome, whether it’s your first time birding or your hundred-and-first.

The bird walk meeting place is beside the playing field near the corner of Sundance Road and Cave Avenue in Banff. The walk starts at 8:15 AM.

Bird books, binoculars, and spotting scopes are great but not essential. Bring clothing appropriate for wet and chilly spring weather.


On June 2011, very few citizens of Lugo got to move more than 10 associations to protest against unsustainable maintenance of Lugo´s Roman Wall, to protect swifts (and other bird) nests on UNESCO´S WORLS HERITAGE since 2000. This year, we decide to turn our pledge into art: we will welcome the swifts through dancing, theatre and other performances, linking the migration of birds to cross-border human links, brotherhood and collaboration as on family to construct the new culture we need.

World Migratory Bird Day 2013 (Italy)

The Naturalistic Studies Centre - NGO representative of the Federation of Pro-Natura in Apulia Region, joins as national representative for Italy at the The Naturalistic Studies Centre - NGO representative of the Federation of Pro-Natura in captains, at World Migratory Bird Day.
This important event was created with the intent to promote the importance, at European level, in the Mediterranean area for migrating birds.

Visita guiada Reserva Natural Puerto Mar del Plata (ARGENTINA)

Se realizará una caminata guiada en un área protegida urbana de la ciudad de Mar del Plata, en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
La Reserva Natural Puerto Mar del Plata es la única reserva urbana de esta ciudad y, también, es el único refugio para las aves silvestres de Mar del Plata. Cada año cientos de aves migratorias de larga distancia se detienen a descansar y alimentarse en esta pequeña reserva natural urbana.

Sonadia Island awareness campaign

Large scale awareness raising campaign on Sonadia Island - the second most important wintering site of the Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper and many other threatened shorebirds. The campaign will include school visits by ex-hunters, who used to be hunters but now with alternative livelihood support they are protecting shorebirds and participating in various bird conservation activities.

World Migratory Bird Day

We will organize lectures, seminars, symposia, painting competition, wetland visit and Nature Camp. Migratory Birds photo exhibition.

Birding the shores of Lake Baringo

Members of LBBCG along with other willing guides and interest parties will take a boat trip in the morning to watch and enumerate water and arboreal birds along the shores, we will be paying attention to migrants still around.

LBBCG will provide transport and drinks.


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