
World Migratory Bird Day Bali 2013

Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan 2 hari (11-12 Mei 2013). Kegiatan dilaksanakan di kawasan Pulau serangan, Bali dengan alokasi waktu. Peserta dari kelompok pengamat burung bali (Kokokan), Himpunan mahasiswa Biologi Universitas Udayana, masyarakat lokal yang berminat,dll. Semoga dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini lancar.


Campaign for conservation of migratory bird stopover habitats in coastal Percut - Deli Serdang - North Sumatra-Indonesia. The campaign focusses on the introduction and training of migrant bird watching and conservation education. This campaign will involve the youth, local fishermen and children.

Conservemos el Hábitat de las Aves Migratorias

Spots informativos sobre aves migratorias en medios de comunicación.
Conferencias Académicas.
Salidas de Campo a Observar Aves.
Safari Fotográfico de Aves: Exposición.
Concurso de dibujo infantil sobre aves.
Selección para limpieza y cuidado de tres sitios utilizados como hábitat invernal de aves migratorias.

World Migratory Bird Day - Bird Watch

Arranging bird watching for the small children of the summer camp currently running in the Rangayan. More than 200 children are participating in the event.

Ringing of spring migrants at the Variconi SPA

Variconi is a Special Protected Area (according with EU Birds Directive) and an international Ramsar Area, since its role for bird migration. By ringing birds we are able to monitor population trends and the timing of their passage, as well as other important aspects concerning migration. We invite everyone to visit our researchers involved with bird ringing on 11 May 2013. During the day the ornithologists will explain their work to participants, allowing them to take part in ringing and monitoring.


This event begins with morning birdwatching, then continue with kids coloring competition.
The aim is to have fun with kids, do something fun by telling stories about the life of birds and their journeys through the world.
We'll show the result in a simple exhibition all day long.
We also give souvenirs to them in the end.

Mothers Day Tea with the Birds!

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day and Mother's Day with an Afternoon Tea. Bring Mom and the whole family and join us at Cammidge House in Boundary Bay Regional Park, Tsawwassen, from 1:00 - 3:30 pm on May 12th for interactive displays, birding walks lead by experienced ornithologists, presentations by Naturalist Anne Murray and, of course, tea and cookies.

World Migratory Bird Day 11-12.5. Retki Viikkiin 11.5.

Aloittelevien lintuharrastajien retki Viikkiin lauantaina 11.5.2013, osana maailman muuttolintujen päivää:

World Migratory Bird Day at Boondall Wetlands

Visit Boondall Wetlands Environment Centre to help celebrate World Migratory Bird Day, a global awareness-raising event about the importance of protecting migratory birds and their habitats. Moreton Bay hosts more than 40,000 migratory shorebirds from September to April each year.

Canoeing in the Wetlands – Bird Discovery

Join a canoe outing around the waterways of Boondall Wetlands to help celebrate the upcoming World Migratory Bird Day on 11-12 May. Discover the amazing story of the thousands of international migratory shorebirds that visit Moreton Bay each year.

Learn more about these wonderful wetlands on Brisbane’s doorstep and our resident and migratory bird species. Cost is $20 per person, strictly cash only, to be paid on arrival.

Bookings are essential, phone the Council on (07) 340 38888.


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