
Exkursion Ulriksdal-Bergshamra

Kom med på en intressant fågelvandring i kattugglans, duvhökens och stenknäckens miljö. Någon förkunskap om fåglar behövs inte, vi pratar om alla fåglar som kommer i vår väg. Vandringen genomförs oavsett väder. Ta med matsäck, kikare är ett måste.
Ledare: Rolf Vestberg, tel. 070-424 25 50.
Anmälan: Ingen föranmälan eller begränsning av antalet deltagare.
Avgift: 40 kr, som betalas direkt till ledaren.
Samling: Kl. 07.00 vid Bergshamra T-banestation, uppgång Centrum. Avslut ca kl. 10.00.

World Migratory Bird Day-2013

Right now we are working on migratory bird of this region. During these 3 days we will organize a bird watching trip and some other events for raising awareness amongst people about migratory birds.

Jakarta celebrates WMBD 2013

To celebrate this event, KPB Nycticorax wants to do bird watching activities (especially migratory birds) with others bird watchers in Ragunan, Jakarta. As one of many green spots in our city, we can see migratory birds here and Ragunan is also one of the pathways or tracks for migratory birds in our country. Not only birdwatchers in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok and Tangerang, but we will also invite another organization that focusses on ecology and conservation, as well as all of the citizens that want to join.


Kennenlernen und beobachten der Seevögel– nicht nur für Vogelinteressierte ist die Vogelwelt der Nordseeküste ein Erlebnis. Zugvögel wie Nonnengans, Graugans und Alpenstrandläufen kann man hier im Watt finden und eine Menge andere Wattvögel.

Anstelle eines Eintrittgeldes bitten wir Sie um eine Spende für unsere gemeinnützige Naturschutzarbeit.

Anmeldung ist notwendig: +49 (0) 4841 668530 oder [email protected]

WMBD Celebration

Friday 10 May, 2013:
Hosting of school kids in Lekki Conservation Center for educational activities, involving colouring and identification of some migratory birds.

Saturday 11 May, 2013:
Bird watching expedition to the Tarkwa Bay.

Birding Campania for World Migratory Day 2013

Birdwatching day dedicated to the World Migratory Day 2013, organized by "Birding Campania".

WMBD - Bird watching & Photography

May 11th - Ukkadam Lake
06:30-07:00 - Introduction about Birding & awareness
07:00-09:00 - Bird watching & photography
09:00-09:30 - Discuss about conservation & conclude

May 12th - Singanallur Lake
06:30-07:00 - Introduction about Birding & awareness
07:00-09:00 - Bird watching & photography
09:00-09:30 - Discuss about conservation & conclude

Birdwatching for fun

Birdwatching with members of pelatuk and college students in the University of Semarang. We will also conduct an environmental study in a primary school, explaining about birdwatching and give an introduction about migratory birds in Indonesia.

Dia mundial de las aves migratorias

Vamos a realizar dinámicas desde la Cátedra de Educación Ambiental de la carrera de Tecnicatura Superior en Conservación de la Naturaleza, con alumnos de la Institución que nuclea 4 carreras más.
También charlas en escuelas, colegios e Institutos de Mendoza.
Se realizarán avistajes de aves en áreas naturales protegidas de la provincia.
Exposición de videos, PPT y charlas en el Zoológico local y Escuela Hogar Eva Perón, realizando con las personas dinámicas relacionadas con las migraciones.

Celebration of World Migratory Bird Day 2013

The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia(SCNL)program in celebration of WMBD 2013 will be in two parts-(1) Indoor activities and (2) outdoor activities. The Indoor activities will include Drama,quizzing,conservation messages e.t.c., whereas the outdoor activities will include bird watching, visit of fishing communities in Robertsport City, Grand Cape Mount County.


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