
Workshop teorico-pratico sugli uccelli delle aree umide

Workshop teorico-pratico sugli uccelli delle aree umide con lezione in aula ed uscita nella Riserva naturale del Padule di Fucecchio - Area le Morette. Stesura di una check list delle specie osservate

Birdwatching in Gasan and community outreach

Conduct training activities and bird watching in Gasan Gadang West Sumatera, public awareness campaigns on the importance of coastal birds and their habitats, as well as comparing the present data with the data obtained in the years being before..

Las aves migratorias en Baena

Entre los dias 9 al 14 de mayo de 2013, se llevará a cabo una exposición fotográfica sobre las aves migratorias en Baena, así como una salida al campo para observación de aves migratorias.

World Migratory Bird Day

pelaksanaan kegiatan ini, melakukan penyuluhan atau pendidikan mengenai burung migran dan perlindungan habitanya kepada siswa sekolah dasar dan pengamatan langsung dilapangan.

Fotografiando las aves migradoras en los cursos fluviales del Zadorra y Alegría

¿Cuantas especies de aves migradoras crees que pasan por el entorno de Vitoria? Aunque parezca una cuestión difícil de abarcar, podremos responderla entre todos gracias al biotesting que llevaremos a cabo por los ríos Zadorra y Alegría.

Evergreen Haven For Migratory Birds

Biodiversity Society celebrates World Migratory Bird Day 2013 by conducting several activities in Banyumas Regency such as:
1. Birdwatching
2. Publishing awareness materials (stickers)
3. Bird Camps
4. School Visit

Those activities will be conducted during May 10 - 31, 2013.

Polokwane Birding Bash

The weekend will involve three main activities.
1) To record as many species in and around the city of Polokwane. We will strive to reach 200.
2) A bird ringing demonstration during which we hope to ring and release the last few migrants on their way north.
3) To place a nesting platform in a tree for a pair of intra-African migratory Wahlberg's Eagles following the loss of their existing nesting tree during a storm in 2012.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at Loktak Lake, Manipur

Pre-Bird watching Workshop for the school children on 11 morning then Media briefing in the evening at Imphal Town. !21 will conduct bird watching in and around the Loktak Lake. The WMBD will conclude with a relay around the Lake.

Peringatan Hari Burung Migran Sedunia

1. JBW (Jogja Bird Walk). This event is birdwatching together followed by public. This event will be followed by college students from 4 universities (Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta Islamic State University, Gadjah Mada University, and Atmajaya University) who are interested in birdwatching.
2. Kampanye Burung Migran Sedunia. This event is a campaign about birds, especially for migratory birds, by taking leaflets, stickers and posters to the streets and distributing these.


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