Come join us at Wexford Wildfowl Reserve where we will be looking for migrant bird species around the centre and from our observation tower. There will be a guide in the tower during the day on Sunday. Don't forget your binoculars. Event is free!
Obrączkowanie migrujących ptaków dostarcza informacji o trendach ich liczebności, trasach i terminach wędrówek, ich kondycji w czasie migracji, które mogą posłużyć do monitoringu i ochrony wędrownych ptaków. Jak co roku od ponad 50 lat, i tej wiosny będziemy obrączkować ptaki na naszych dwóch stacjach na polskim wybrzeżu – Hel i Bukowo. W czasie World Migratory Bird Day – 11 maja 2013 – zapraszamy do odwiedzenia naszych stacji terenowych, do bliskiego kontaktu z wędrującymi ptakami, przyjrzenia się obrączkowaniu i wspólnych obserwacji ptaków, z pomocą doświadczonych ornitologów.
People from diverse disciplines in Addis Ababa and the nearby towns including schools, universities, research institutions and conservation NGOs will be invited to attend the celebration of the WMBD event which is going to take place at Lake Ziway on 11 and 12 May 2013, one of the famous Rift Valley Lakes, 160km from the capital Addis Ababa. There will be talks by invited guests, educational activities and bird watching events at the site.
There will be a public talk on "Networking to conserve the invisible bird superhighway" on Sat 4 May, followed by a birdwatching trip on Sunday 5 May to Pantai Remis coast to record migratory waterbirds and other migrant passerines.
The Egyptian Red Sea coast is one of the most important resting places for migrating birds from Europe. Especially in spring and autumn you can observe several common and rare birds, such as White Storks, Cranes or swallows. During the whole year waterfowls can be found in the mangroves and around the Red Sea coast. Nesting Ospreys, feeding Reef Herons and resting Ibises can be found.
May 10, 2013 is the last day of school for the students at the Innoko River School. We are starting the summer programs the day after and will be celebrating Migratory Bird Day. We would like to connect with schools in South America and track birds that we share. We would enjoy learning indigenous stories about the birds we share as well.
In 2013 as well, Oasi Zegna celebrates the World Migratory Bird Day inviting people in Bielmonte on 11st May to discover the biodiversity of bird species in their natural habitat. The trip will be accompanied by the expert ornithologist Lucio Bordignon.
Oasi Zegna is a mountain area of around 100km2 in Piedmont, north west of Italy, near Biella. Every year, Oasi Zegna proposes many different exursions in its territory to spread respect for nature and our environment.
Once again bringing you the good news of our avian conservation initiative now in its sixth year, creating yet another wonderful opportunity for you all to contribute by your participation in this, a truly international bird conservation activity in Uttarakhand Himalayas. Please go through the details and respond ASAP. The Participation is purely on first come first serve basis, so please hurry to avoid disappointment later.