
La Journée Mondiale des Oiseaux Migrateurs en Guinée

La Journée Mondiale des Oiseaux Migrateurs va consister à organiser une conférence à l’université de Sonfonia afin d’expliquer, aux étudiants, le thème de cette année et les possibilités de création d’emplois liées à la conservation de la Biodiversité en général et les Oiseaux Migrateurs en particulier. Des flyers ont été distribués dans plusieurs universités de la capitale telles que les Universités Gamal Adbel Nasser, Koffi Annan, UNC … Il est prévu aussi du Birdwatching avec des enfants d’écoles primaires et quelques universitaires.

Bird Watching and Awareness Raising Programme Through Local Community

Bird watching, Annual Census of Migratory Bird, Training on Bird Watching and Data Analysis, SMART Patrolling Training, Education Program, Exhibitions, Ecotourism Management and Ecourtour Guide Training for Local Community.

Osservazione degli uccelli migratori da un punto privilegiato: la cima del Monte Prinzera

We will climb on top of Mount Prinzera in the heart of the Reserve and from this vantage point we will enjoy the view of the river Taro valley. From the Apennines we will wait for the passage of raptors that coming from Africa moving to the north.

Internationella flyttfågeldagen (World Migratory Bird Day)

Guided walk through the reeds of Lake Tåkern. Main theme is birds that migrate to Tåkern from Africa, how, when and why? Also showing of Wetland Center Naturum Tåkern

Aves migratorias de Cochabamba

El día 10 de mayo desarrollaremos un taller acerca de la observación de aves en nuestra ciudad, el objetivo es mostrar las oportunidades y potencialidades que la ciudad de Cochabamba presenta para realizar esta actividad. Además presentaremos rutas importantes dentro la ciudad para observar aves como inicio de la iniciativa "Turismo científico en la ciudad". Finalmente El día 11 de mayo visitaremos la laguna Alalay para observar aves.

TWCS Birdwatching Event

Will be organising wirdwatching event on wetland near Tunis city, A radio spot and interview about the events and migratory birds, mainly waterbirds related to the wetland conservation issues

Vulcan Mountain - European Identify Card

- PowerPoint presentation about conservation activity regarding migratory birds species; - Public awarness organised by Local Environmental Protection Agency Hunedoara County toghether with Roumanian Geographical Society about conservation activities for Falco peregrinus.

Save Aras River Bird Paradise

KuzeyDoga Society Aras Bird Research and Education Center is going to have an educational activity and birdwatching for both university and high school students from Igdir province. KuzeyDoga Society is organizing this event with the collaboration of Igdir Directorate of the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs and Igdir University. The team is going to share the importance of this wetland for migratory bird species and other land animals. It hosts 13 bird, 6 mammal, and 6 reptile and amphibian species globally threatened or near threatened with extinction.


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