
Oyu Tolgoi and Migratory Birds 2013

We are going to involve the children of local school for the WMBD 2013 event. The local town in which we are going to celebrate WMBD 2013 is located in the Gobi Desert and a number of migratory birds pass through the region during their great migration. Mongolia is a developing country and there are limited people who love birds. Thus, we hope to increase the number of bird lovers by as many as possible.

Весенний прилет птиц

Наблюдения за прилетающими птицами , их размещением, постройкой гнезд, общения между собой, за выведением птенцов.

Birds of Jhunjhunu

'Birds of Jhunjhunu' is an attempt to aware local people of Jhunjhunu city about avian diversity and bird migration regime in the area. Main activities of the event include bird watching and bird census. Faculty and M.Sc. Students of the Department of Environmental Science, Seth Motilal (Post-Graduate) College will actively participate in this event.

Aves migratorias en el humedal ribereño carretas del Rio de los Remedios

Este humedal ribereño carretas del rió de los remedios se encuentra en la zona metropolitana del valle de México en donde llegan aves migratorias de Alaska, Canadá, Estados Unidos y Norte de México, en este humedal se han registrado 108 especies de aves acuáticas y terrestres, residentes y migratorias, que llegan desde julio y se van en abril, siendo de suma importancia estos humedales que existen ya que las rutas migratorias de estas aves se dan por la cantidad de recursos naturales existentes en estas zonas hoy urbanizadas poniendo en riesgo su ciclo migratorio de estas aves.

Winged visitors

We will be having a seminar on Migratory birds and also a birding session.

Migratory Bird Day in Mongolia

During the World Migratory Bird Day, we will organize a nation wide event with governmental and local organizations. There will be presentations on migratory birds, migration routes, a day birding, bird photographs contest and other public related activities.

Migratory Bird Day in Mongolia

During the Migratory Bird Day in Mongolia, we will organize nationwide event for migratory birds with national governmental oraganizations and NGOs. Experts will give speeches for the public. Special birding event will be organized by the organizing committee in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Cross Border Corporation during the World Migratory Bird Day, May 2013

Cross border corporation is a recent activity for this celebration this year. As you know NGO "FINCH" has celebrated WMBD since 2009 in the Republic of Kosovo so this time we are planning to organize a bird watching session in a well-known wetland near the town of Kukes in Albania. Together with some of Albanian NGOs, Finch will try to join different organization of two countries in one place.

Seguimiento de Aves migratorias en el estrecho de Gibraltar.

Observación de aves migratorias en el área del estrecho de Gibraltar. Salidas sábado 11 y domingo 12 de mayo a las 9:00 h de la Estación Ornitológica de Tarifa.

World Migrartory Bird Day

Environment Education Workshop with presentation on How to Protect Our Birds, followed by Nature Trail and bird watching trip in the park "Know your Birds"


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