
The migratory birds of Tancada's Lake

MónNatura has prepared the Migratory birds of Tancada's lake workshop.

This activity will introduce us to the world of the migratory birds of the area of the Ebro Delta. We will watch and identify the most common species of migratory birds. We will provide binoculars, telescopes and bird guides.

Do you want to joint us? Come and participate!!!

Birdwatching Trip in Knurów

The trip starts at 3.30 p.m. The meeting place is near the primary school nr 3 in Knurów-Krywa?d. The trip finishes in the same place. The route of the trip leads along the educational path "Wokó? Stawu Zacisze", located in a forest and by the lake Zacisze. It goes round the lake. The trip is expected to last 2 hours. The event is free.

Luis Sitges

Birding sierra de Gredos from Madrid.

Metchosin Lagoons Bird Watching

Early morning bird watching and education with family and friends

Pengamatan Burung Migran di TN Wasur

Migratory bird watching activities done in two places namely ndalir beach and marsh that is home to migratory birds that stop by every year in Wasur TN. This activity uses the district method of concentration observations.

Kegiatan Pengamatan Burung Migran dilakukan di dua tempat yaitu pantai ndalir dan rawa dogamit yang merupakan habitat burung migran setiap tahunnya yang mampir ke TN wasur.
Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode konsentrasi pada daerah pengamatan

Celebración del Dia Mundial de las Aves Migratorias 2013

Recorridos de observación de aves, gatuitos con guianza especializada y préstamo de Binoculares,desde las 7 a.m hasta las 12 del medio dia con una duración por recorrido de 45 minutos en 2 grupos cada uno de 20 personas, con salidas cada hora.

World Migratory Bird Day 2013

Villagers will assemble with school children and will go to a water shed area known as padi panihaas and chooti panihaas.
They will join a bird watching program. There will also be a talk by experts to save the birds to save the culture. Bihar state has declared the sparrow as state bird. More information will be added on this account.

Ilustrar nas lagoas do EVOA

Aceite o desafio, no dia mundial das aves migratórias, dê asas à imaginação!

Participe numa atividade de desenho de campo, em grupo, num dos nossos observatórios.

No EVOA, poderá contar com a inspiração da paisagem, das aves e da nossa exposição, rica em ilustrações, contará ainda com o apoio inicial da nossa aplicação de apoio à ilustração, aqui poderá aquecer a sua mão.

Esta atividade está incluída no valor de entrada no EVOA, tendo este fim-de-semana, mediante inscrição prévia, o preço especial de:

8€ adultos e 5€ crianças e séniores.

El Viaje de la Malvasía

Actividad gratuita, prevía inscripción, que constará de lo siguientes eventos:

Celebración del día mundial de las aves migratorias 2013

1. Introducción y antecedentes.
Los días 11 y 12 de mayo de 2013 se celebra el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias (WMBD). Se trata de una campaña de concienciación anual, que quiere inspirar la conservación en todo el mundo de las aves migratorias y sus ecosistemas. La campaña está organizada por dos acuerdos internacionales sobre vida silvestre administrados por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente: la Convención sobre Especies Migratorias de animales silvestres (CMS) y el Acuerdo de las Aves Acuáticas Migratorias de África y Eurasia (AEWA).


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