
World Migratory Bird Day

The festival will include an opening session, a workshop for women from 3 different Hima sites (Aanjar, Kfar Zabad, and Al Fakeha Anti-Lebanon) on the Hima concept and sustainable use of natural resources (part of the UN Women Project).

Birdwatching on the Ecological Recreative Center "El Zapotal", Chiapas

Let's go outdoor and watch the nature. "El Zapotal" is a natural reserve so close to the city where you can breathe fresh air, we will walk through the jungle to watch some birds...

Winged visitors...Atithi Devo Bhava

We plan to organize bird watching trips to nearby locations and birding hot spots. One such spot is Sultanpur bird sanctuary which is a prominent hub for migratory birds.

This trip will also help spread awareness about migratory birds.

Celebra con SEO/BirdLife el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

Puestos de observación de aves y actividades en familia (juegos, curso, itinerarios guiados)


En el marco de la celebración del Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias, se lelvará a cabo una salida a campo para avistar aves y safari fotográfico, además de una breve charla sobre la importancia y conservación de las aves y sus hábitats.

World Migratory Bird Day - Birdwatching

Meeteng point: Silesian Botanical Garden; 9:00 a.m.; circle rout about 10,5 kilometer

Bird Race

Bird Conservation Nepal(BCN) is going to organize a Bird Race on 11 May 2013. The bird race will be held at Godawari, one of the important bird area. Around 50-60 participants are expected to participate in the event. Prizes will be distributed to winners. The posters, flyers and stickers of migratory bird day will be distributed.

World Migratory Bird Day 2013 a Riserva Naturale Le Cesine

Located along one of Europe's main migratory routes, Le Cesine is a wetland of international importance. It is a national nature reserve comprising both wetland areas and a Mediterranean forest. The nature reserve will be celebrating WMBD with an afternoon of birdwatching. With the aid of staff, visitors will walk through the different habitats and spend the afternoon birdwatching.

4.15 pm - The event will start at the Masseria Le Cesine.

Birding-Tour Stausee Dachwig

Ab 8.30 Uhr Birding-Tour am Stausee Dachwig, Treffpunkt am Beobachtungsturm aus Richtung Großfahner kommend; Gummistiefel und Fernglas erwünscht (ca. 15 cm Wasserstand).

Salida de observación con el Club Guardianes de las Aves

Salida de observación con el Club de niños Guardianes de las Aves en el Parque de la solidaridad,zona de la bahía de Asunción.


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