Media Event

World Migratory Bird Day

The festival will include an opening session, a workshop for women from 3 different Hima sites (Aanjar, Kfar Zabad, and Al Fakeha Anti-Lebanon) on the Hima concept and sustainable use of natural resources (part of the UN Women Project).

Aves Voladoras

El Ministerio De Ambiente y el Parque Nacional Machalilla conjuntamente con varias Organizaciones como el Servicio Civil Ciudadano, Guias Naturalista y demas, realizaran conferencia, casa abierta, y salida de observacion de Aves en los siguientes sitios: Los Manzanillos (salida del rio buena vista, parte norte de la Playa de Puerto Lopez) ,Cuenca del rio Ayampe y rio blanco.


Instalacion de una carpa en la Ensenada de Llodero, Ria de Aviles, en la que se expondran posters de las rutas migratorias de las aves y haremos actividades para jovenes en relacion con la migracion de las aves y la importancia de mantener en buen estado los puntos clave a lo largo de la ruta.
Articulos de prensa en los dias previos.
Avance en la creacion de una red de web y blogs para compartir informacion sobre la migracion de limicolas en el atlantico este.

Charla sobre aves migratorias

Charla sobre aves migratorias a cargo de Pablo Petraci

Educational workshop in elementary school

An educational workshop about the significance of migratory birds and the need of preserving their habitats will be organized in an elementary school in Podgorica.

World Migratory Bird Day

World Migratory Bird Day will be jointly organised by FRIENDS OF THE ENVIRONMENT CENTRE & KAINAT FOUNDATION,Doha-Qatar by involving youth and students.
The activities will include a conference on Migratory Birds, painting competitions, bird watching, camp and lecture by experts on Birds in Qatar followed by cultural events on Migratory Birds.


The International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC), in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC), is inviting children from local schools to visit to our Houbara conservation centre located in Sweihan - Abu Dhabi. As part of the visit programme they will assist in releasing captive-bred Houbara into the wild and will be shown a video about the migration of the Houbara by our ecologists, who will provide a commentary on the work of IFHC in preserving the Houbara.

WMBD - Bird watching & Photography

May 11th - Ukkadam Lake
06:30-07:00 - Introduction about Birding & awareness
07:00-09:00 - Bird watching & photography
09:00-09:30 - Discuss about conservation & conclude

May 12th - Singanallur Lake
06:30-07:00 - Introduction about Birding & awareness
07:00-09:00 - Bird watching & photography
09:00-09:30 - Discuss about conservation & conclude

Celebration of World Migratory Bird Day 2013

The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia(SCNL)program in celebration of WMBD 2013 will be in two parts-(1) Indoor activities and (2) outdoor activities. The Indoor activities will include Drama,quizzing,conservation messages e.t.c., whereas the outdoor activities will include bird watching, visit of fishing communities in Robertsport City, Grand Cape Mount County.


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