Media Event

Migratory Bird Day in Kosovo, Limth

This event will be organized in our camping site in Limth, Dragash Municipality, Kosovo. Before we go to Limth, we are going to visit a wetland of Liqeni i Breznes which is on the road to Limth. Limth is a camping site where our organization frequently goes there with its members and sometimes for a couple of day with the reason of bird watching, tourism, hiking, etc.

La Journée Mondiale des Oiseaux Migrateurs en Guinée

La Journée Mondiale des Oiseaux Migrateurs va consister à organiser une conférence à l’université de Sonfonia afin d’expliquer, aux étudiants, le thème de cette année et les possibilités de création d’emplois liées à la conservation de la Biodiversité en général et les Oiseaux Migrateurs en particulier. Des flyers ont été distribués dans plusieurs universités de la capitale telles que les Universités Gamal Adbel Nasser, Koffi Annan, UNC … Il est prévu aussi du Birdwatching avec des enfants d’écoles primaires et quelques universitaires.

Bird Watching and Awareness Raising Programme Through Local Community

Bird watching, Annual Census of Migratory Bird, Training on Bird Watching and Data Analysis, SMART Patrolling Training, Education Program, Exhibitions, Ecotourism Management and Ecourtour Guide Training for Local Community.

The premiere of the animation "Kliukwa (Cranberry)"

The documentary animation is about the wighte wagtail named Kliukwa (Cranberry). The premiere of the animation is dedicated to World Migratory Bird Day.

TWCS Birdwatching Event

Will be organising wirdwatching event on wetland near Tunis city, A radio spot and interview about the events and migratory birds, mainly waterbirds related to the wetland conservation issues

World Migratory Bird Day

- Séances d'observations des oiseaux avec les écoliers, instituteurs, SSG et pêcheurs; - Concour de dessin des oiseaux, - Publication d'un article; - Discussions avec les autorités locales sur la gestion des ressources aviaires; - Affichages des baderoles.



World Migratory Bird Day

On May 7, 2014 was celebrated World Migratory Bird Day by organizing educational activities and public awareness. Together with the National College Students Union of Universidad Veracruzana, Teleorman two actions were carried out environmental education consisting of ornithological observations in the Natura 2000 site ROSPA0024 confluence of the Danube River, and a power point presentation with the debate of 2014, and a press media.

Farewell Shorebirds

BirdLife Australia is launching an exciting nationwide event, Farewell Shorebirds, focusing on the fascinating lives of some of the 35 species of shorebirds. Farewell Shorebirds will run from mid-April until mid-May, concluding on World Migratory Bird Day (10 May). Highlighting the captivating story of the shorebirds’ annual global migration from Australia to the Arctic, Farewell Shorebirds will explore why the birds make this incredible journey and how they rely on Australia’s wetlands, coastlines and estuaries for their survival.


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