Media Event

Evergreen Haven For Migratory Birds

Biodiversity Society celebrates World Migratory Bird Day 2013 by conducting several activities in Banyumas Regency such as:
1. Birdwatching
2. Publishing awareness materials (stickers)
3. Bird Camps
4. School Visit

Those activities will be conducted during May 10 - 31, 2013.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at Loktak Lake, Manipur

Pre-Bird watching Workshop for the school children on 11 morning then Media briefing in the evening at Imphal Town. !21 will conduct bird watching in and around the Loktak Lake. The WMBD will conclude with a relay around the Lake.

Peringatan Hari Burung Migran Sedunia

1. JBW (Jogja Bird Walk). This event is birdwatching together followed by public. This event will be followed by college students from 4 universities (Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta Islamic State University, Gadjah Mada University, and Atmajaya University) who are interested in birdwatching.
2. Kampanye Burung Migran Sedunia. This event is a campaign about birds, especially for migratory birds, by taking leaflets, stickers and posters to the streets and distributing these.

Chiloe Island is part of the Networking for migratory birds

Fieldtrip to do birdwatching and next day visiting our facilities where we are planning a schedule of videos, presentation, training in field, bird research, and games.
The activities are separate for schools and general public.

"la'uf im ma'aof" - Fly with vision

Bird watching, guided observations in hotspots at Eilat Birdwatching Park, birds ringigng, story tellers, family activities, release of rehabilitated birds at the Israeli Wildlife Hospital, media events and more.

Safe Migration

Environment Conservation Group (ECG) along with Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) is organising an educational session on Wetland conservation and Migratory birds followed by a birdwatching activity.

World Migratory Bird Day 2013 (Italy)

The Naturalistic Studies Centre - NGO representative of the Federation of Pro-Natura in Apulia Region, joins as national representative for Italy at the The Naturalistic Studies Centre - NGO representative of the Federation of Pro-Natura in captains, at World Migratory Bird Day.
This important event was created with the intent to promote the importance, at European level, in the Mediterranean area for migrating birds.

World Migratory Bird Day

We will organize lectures, seminars, symposia, painting competition, wetland visit and Nature Camp. Migratory Birds photo exhibition.


Campaign for conservation of migratory bird stopover habitats in coastal Percut - Deli Serdang - North Sumatra-Indonesia. The campaign focusses on the introduction and training of migrant bird watching and conservation education. This campaign will involve the youth, local fishermen and children.

Conservemos el Hábitat de las Aves Migratorias

Spots informativos sobre aves migratorias en medios de comunicación.
Conferencias Académicas.
Salidas de Campo a Observar Aves.
Safari Fotográfico de Aves: Exposición.
Concurso de dibujo infantil sobre aves.
Selección para limpieza y cuidado de tres sitios utilizados como hábitat invernal de aves migratorias.


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