Media Event


Seminar on the importance of Falconry as a cultural world heritage of the arab people.

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias 2012

- Guided visits from 28/4 to 20/5
- Drawing contest for children 6 to 12 years old
- Esposition with some panels showing migratory routes and impotance of Avilés estuary
- Several articles to be published in local and regional papers
- Conferences in several schools

Promoting the Protection of Wintering Sites of Migratory Birds

1. Conducting bird watching at city parks of Purwokerto
2. Distributing awareness materials (stickers, leaflet)
3. Publish press release to newspaper media (local, regional and national)

World Migratory Bird Day: Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority

- Inviting media bodies to give media coverage for the event.

-Visiting the lakes where these migratory birds usually reside.

- sponsoring educational TV programs to disseminate important messages about migratory birds.

- Inviting professional persons from bird life partner in Ethiopia(EWNHS)

World Migratory Bird Day 2012: Centro Studi Naturalistici ONLUS

Il Centro Studi Naturalistici - ONLUS referente della Federazione Pro-Natura in Capitanata, intende aderire come rappresentante nazionale per l´Italia alla giornata mondiale della migrazione degli uccelli.
Questo importante evento nasce con l´intento di far conoscere l´importanza, a livello europeo, dell´area mediterranea per la migrazione degli uccelli.
Esso si inserisce inoltre nell´ambito delle attività di comunicazione e sensibilizzazione previste dal progetto LIFE + 2007 - “Azioni di conservazione per l´avifauna prioritaria dell´Oasi Lago Salso”.

Vancouver World Migratory Bird Day

"Vancouver's World Migratory Bird Day has raised the awareness of residents of the variety of birds and the international importance of habitats around the city"
– Dr. Rob Butler

World Migratory Bird Day

To sensitize the local media people on migratory bird, issues and conservation. Workshop organised on conservation of migratory bird


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