Media Event

Appalachian Highlands Birding Trail Launch

IT’S FOR THE BIRDS! LITTLE RIVER CANYON CENTER LAUNCHES APPALACHIAN HIGHLANDS BI...RDING TRAIL The Appalachian Highlands Birding Trail (AHBT) will be launched on International Migratory Bird Day, May 12, 2012. The Jacksonville State University Environmental Policy and Information Center (EPIC) and the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce will host the ceremony which will begin at 1:00 p.m. at the Little River Canyon Center in Fort Payne, AL. The AHBT includes six gateway sites, forty birding sites and connects the North Alabama Birding Trail to the Piedmont Plateau Birding Trail.

Celebrate Migratory Bird Day with a publishing the first bird book in Kosovo "Looking for Birds" and a Bird Watching activity at Hence

There will be joining NGO and Go of Kosovo to celebrate this important activity in Prishtina first the capital city of. AKMM will be the place where we can join each other for having a kind of presentation for publishing the first book of birds in Kosovo. Later there will be a bird watching session at Hence near Prishtina Airport.

Save Migratory Birds in Himalaya

Awareness campaign shall be held in Primary, Middle and High Schools where students shall take part in Poster, Painting, Symposium and Rally. Bird Watching camps shall also be held. lectures on the migrating species and their migrating routes shall also be held. About 300 students, 50 schools shall be participating in three districts of Ramban, Doda and Kishtwar in J&K state of India.

Loktak -World Migratory Bird Day -12

Will organize a two day bird watching camp for the school children and media personal. There will also be distribution of leaplets and photograpy etc.

Aves migratorias en la ría de Avilés

Diversas actividades alrededor de las aves migratorias en los alrededores de Avilés y su ría.
Concurso de dibujo para escolares, visitas guiadas y jornadas de observación de limícolas en el Monumento Natural de la Charca de Zeluán y Ensenada de Llodero, exposición de dibujos en el Centro Comercial El Atrio del 30/4 al 13/5, exposición de fotos y varteles en el centro municipal de educación ambiental La Noria, charlas en 8 colegios.

Shorebirds ID Booklet Launch

BirdLife Australia's Shorebirds 2020 project will launch a Shorebird ID booklet for World Migratory Bird Day to support its more than 1300 volunteers in their conservation work and raise awareness for the beauty shorebirds and the threats they face in teh East Asian Australasian Flyway

Return of a European cultural bird: the Northern Bald Ibis

Since years we present our Northern Bald Ibis (NBI) conservation project at the world migratory bird day. This year we collaborate with Zoo Vienna. It is mother’s day and a lot of families will visit the zoo. At a central place members of our team will offer information material at an information desk. In addition children are invited to tinker NBI masks. Due to the topic of the World Migratory Bird Day we aim to highlight, that the history of the NBI particularly here in Europe is closely linked to human culture. It is a history of promotion and persecution.

2012 Long Point Birdathon

Join us for the Long Point Birdathon Weekend

2012 Baillie Birdathon

Join us for the 2012 Baillie Birdathon, the oldest sponsored bird count in North America, raising money for bird research and conservation. The challenge is to identify as many bird species as possible within a 24-hour period, during the month of May. The money raised benefits Bird Studies Canada, the James L. Baillie Memorial Fund, and participating migration monitoring stations and conservation organizations (designated by participants to receive a portion of funds raised).



En isla de Pascua y el Parque Nacional Rapa Nui el temas de las aves migratorias es fundamental en lo que respecta a los recursos naturales, pero también con relación al contexto histórico y cultural de sus recursos culturales, ya que las aves en general, y en especial ciertas especies de aves migratorias jugaron un papel muy importante en la historia, la religión y la cultura de la sociedad antigua.


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