Media Event

Migratory Birds Festival in Syria

The celebration will start on Saturday, 14th May with a trip to Jabboul Lake north east of Syria for birdwatching activities. 15-20 Journalists will accompany this trip. In the afternoon a roundtable in Aleppo will discuss the role of migratory birds in nature, with a special focus on the Syrian environment.

Wold Migratory Bird Day 2011

Educational event organized in cooperation with different NGO-s, working for the preservation of nature in Pakistan. Lectures as well as awareness walk will be organized. The theme of this years WMBD will be respected and sustainable land use will be the main topic of the event.

World Migratory Bird Day in Mongolia

This WMBD event in Mongolia will run from 14-15 May and will include the following activities:

  • National Bird Fair;
  • Bird watching for children and birders;
  • Bird related public awareness;
  • Bird educational activities.

World Migratory Bird Day

Environment Conservation Focus will undertake a media awareness raising campaign, birdwatching trips and education events on the occasion of World Migratory Bird Day.

World Migratry Bird Day (Svjetski dan ptica selica)

Educational event organized in cooperation with NGO-s, involved in nature protection in Croatia. Several workshops, lectures as well as entertainment activities will be organized. The theme of this years WMBD will be respected and sustainable land use will be the main topic of the event.

Outskirt area of protected areas - alternative wintering sites for migratory birds

This WMBD event includes discussions and interactions on the surveys that have been carried out by school children in the winter season. Resided communities from all around the protected areas (such as Keoladeo National Park (Bharatpur, Rajasthan) and Mt Abu Wildlife Sanctuary (Sirohi, Rajasthan) will take part in the event accompanied by local/regional media. The interactive sessions will raise awareness on the importance of these sites and strategies for the protection of these sites will be discussed.

Ramnamanjato Jean Baptiste

NGOs, students and QMM employees will observe aquatic birds during 2 days. The morning session of the event runs from 5h00hrs until 9h00hrs with birdwatching activities and will be followed by sensitisation about the 2011 theme.
In 2010, within the 2 days we observed around 300 aquatic birds. QMM supports this educational programm since 2002 and this year will be the 10th anniversary of our birdwatching event in collaboration with Asity Madagascar.

San Salvador de Jujuy Bird´s

We will teach courses relating to the conservation of birds in our province for field trips, currently taking place. We will conduct awareness raising talks throughout the year. Additionally, we will offer a trip to Lagunas de los Pozuelos (Ramsar Site) to observe migratory plovers coming from the North Pole.

Kashmir - Birds in Paradise

Associated Media will showcase migratory birds in "Paradise on the Earth" - Kashmir. We will involve many schools for film showing sessions to create general awareness about the plight and misuse of marshy wetlands and depressions - the home of migratory birds - for constructing houses and resendential areas.


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