Media Event

Baringin Sati on Watch

To increase resident's interest, concern and ecotourism, and to decrease resident's complaints about a big colony of Egrets and Heron in Baringin Sati Sanctuary of West Sumatera, we will hold a birdwatching, photography competition, and poster competition. Birdwatching will hold at two places, in Cindua Mato square and rice fields in Minangkabau villages.

Baringin Sati on Watch

To increase resident's interest, concern and ecotourism, and to decrease resident's complaints about a big colony of Egrets and Heron in Baringin Sati Sanctuary of West Sumatera, we will hold a birdwatching, photography competition, and poster competition. Birdwatching will hold at two places, in Cindua Mato square and rice fields in Minangkabau villages.

Media Coverage

Educational Activity & Press release about the event

Migratory birds fly through the Gobi Desert

During the bird migration period, number of birds fly through the wide dry landscape. There are very few places where birds can land and rest at them during their harsh and long journeys. Protecting those important places is essential for conservation of migratory birds. Raising awareness and knowledge of local people, especially children, is very important in the country.

WMBD 2014

Painting contest for children
Lectures for children at several schools
Exposition 28/4 to 11/05
Birdwatching 10-11 may
Publications on local newspapers
Educational activities for children 11may

Lagos Creek Bird Watching

The Lagos Creek Bird Watching event will feature young bird enthusiast from the network of wildlife clubs in Nigeria . They will be exposed to the art of bird watching for tourism and conservation value. Youth participants will also raise awareness within the creek community on the important acne of protecting the migratory bird species

Aves Migratórias no Centro Ambiental do Priolo

SPEA is an ONG that develops several conservation projects aiming to preserve bird species and their habitat in Potugal. In the Azores arquipelago a LIFE project was developed to preserve the marine birds called "Safe Islands for Seabirds"that ended last year.

flyway destination: Migratory Birds and Tourism

The event, which is supported by the migratory Soaring bird Project, will take two days: The first day is bird watching at the Sunot Bird Protected Area, which lies in the White Nile in the Khartoum State. The bird watching will be carried out early in the morning around 7:00 am. Stake holders will be informed about the types of migratory birds, the role they play in maintaining ecosystems and controlling pest, their recreational and economical values. Emphasis will be placed on the Migratory Soaring Birds (MSB) contests will be arranged among the stakeholders to identify the MSB.

Leaving is Living

This local informative event in the Ionain islands of Corfu and Paxoi will present the magical journey of migration and the threats migratory birds face!

We aim to engage the local hunting community in a live discussion regarding the contentious issue of spring killing in Greece and to empower the individuals that wish to publicly defend migratory birds against poachers.
This event is part of the LIFE Information and Communication Project "Safe haven for Wild Birds", which runs a 3-year campaign against illegal killing on the Mediterranean.

You are welcome my flying friends!

Hello Friends,
We at BUGHADI FOUNDATION will be celebrating our second World Migratory Bird Day on 10th May 2014 at Assan Barrage, 40 Km from Dehradun. This is a famous Migratory Bird visiting spot.
Anyone from any where interested may join us free of charges.
Thanks with best regards
Sarfaraz Hasan


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