Educational Activity

Bird Walk @ Warriors Path State Park Spring Festival

Lots going on this weekend. We will be doing a bird walk on Duck Island at Warriors' Path State Park, Saturday, April 13th at 8:00 AM. There will be a short presentation at 7:30 in the rec building. Followed by the bird walk at 8 AM. We expect to see lots of species highlighted by a soaring Osprey, Yellow-throated Warbler, and a Yellow-throated Vireo. Come on out.

Not On My Beach

Visit a beach in the Midwest and you will see shorebirds. Did you know that many of the birds at the beach are leaving to fly 12500 km to the northern Arctic? Learn about migratory shorebirds; why they come and why they go.  Help create a picture board about looking after these amazing birds at the beach. Bring in snaps of litter collected at the beach to add to the board. Choose and colour your favourite shorebird to take home. This is a free event by Birdlife Midwest-Geraldton at the Geraldton Library. All ages. Children under 8 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 

World Migratory Bird Day at Strawberry Plains Audubon Center

World Migratory Bird Day

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) with a morning of:

Songbird Banding
Guided Bird Hikes
Presentations on SPAC’s bird conservation efforts and research
Trash clean-up for WBMD’s 2019 theme “Be the Solution to Plastic Pollution” 

The Flyway is my Highway!

Price Elementary from Mesquite, Texas will be visiting the John Bunker Sands Wetland Center, just 20 minutes southeast of the school.  Students will begin with a classroom presention on bird adaptaions, basic bird identification and migration.  They will then head outside for some fun hands-on activities that teach about migraion, stop-over areas and land management.  Students will learn how to use binoculars, the importance of bird lists, and the joy of bird observation!  The second half of the day will focus on wildlife ecosystems wiht an emphasis on bird habitat.  They will learn about f

Columbia School Celebrates Migratory Birds

Third Graders at Columbia Elementary in Bellingham are participating in World Migratory Bird Day as part of a unit on Ornithology.  Students are researching migratory birds and the challenges they face.  We are partnering with RESources for Sustainable Communities to learn about waste reduction, particularly about reducing the use of plastics at the individual, school, and community level.  As a culminating event, we will take a walking field trip to our local beach to engage in a beach clean-up on Thursday, May 2nd.  Students will also make bird masks and costumes to participate in our cit

Bird ringing and birdwatching in Asinara National Park (Sardinia - Italy)

During our project of bird ringing to study the spring migration of birds (2019 is the 22nd year of activity of our ringing station), we will also complete a detailed list of all the sightings of birds during the weekend and we will greet all the visitors of the National Park, explaining them the migration routes and the ecology of birds, and raising awareness about conservation.

Feria del Colegio Franciscano del Ejido San Agustin_Stand Importancia de las aves y la contaminación por residuos plásticos

El ejido de san agustín ofrece una feria anual, en la cual se realizan diversas actividades culturales y recreativas, nosotros tendremos un stand donde ofreceremos pláticas acerca de la problemática que acarrea el uso desmedido del plástico, las aves y su importancia, talleres de huertos urbanos, juegos y pintura para los niños.

Limpieza comunitaria en Punta Allen

Amigos de Sian Ka'an A.C impulsa limpiezas en conjunto con  la comunidad de Punta Allen con el objetivo de prevenir la generación y fomentar la valorización, el tratamiento y la disposición final de los residuos de forma social y ambientalmente responsable, para lograr un Punta Allen limpio.

PAU Tapachula

Desarrollo de talleres con distintos contenidos que se centran en el conocimiento de las aves.


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