Educational Activity

The Birds of Bloedel Conservatory presented by the Vancouver Botanical Gardens Association

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day!  Bring the whole family to explore over 200 tropical birds at Bloedel Conservatory. Stop by the Vancouver Botanical Garden Association’s bird discovery station and take a closer look at the functions of a feather

Bird Week Take-off Celebration!

Let’s kick off Vancouver Bird Week with a celebration of our local birds! Bringing together bird enthusiasts and the bird-curious, visitors can create bird-themed crafts, learn how to spot common backyard birds, and take some Instagram-worthy shots with our feathery photo wall.

World Migratory Bird Day by Stanley Park Ecology Society

NOTE: Open to ages 18+ only, please.

Get up close and personal with the inner workings of the birds of Stanley Park! Examine the fascinating mechanics of muscle, bone, and feather as you dissect wings to prepare taxidermy spreads with an experienced guide.

World Migratory Bird Day at Powdermill Nature Reserve

World Migratory Bird Day is Saturday, May 11, and we could not think of a better way to celebrate than by inviting you to the Powdermill Avian Research Center! Stop by between 7 and 11 am (weather permitting) for banding demonstrations and tours of the research center.

World Migratory Bird Day at Potlatch Public Library

Potlatch Public Library will celebrate 2019 World Migratory Bird Day with a series of bird related activities, beginning at 7 a.m. Friday with a bird walk at Scenic Six Park, 125 Sixth St., Potlatch. Participants should meet at the library, 1010 Onaway Road, prior to going to the park.

Anniversary of the establishment of the birdwatching association of Khorasan

In this program we will unveil the logo of assosiation, and explain our yearly activites such as birdwatching tours, new records for our region and will have some lectures about birdwatching and plastic pollution threats.

World Migratory Bird Day at Tingley Beach

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day! Visit Tingley Beach to find out more about the migrating birds that use the Rio Grande corridor and surrounding habitats as a highway each spring and fall. Find out how birds survive incredible migratory journeys over extraordinary distances between their southern breeding grounds and northern wintering grounds.

World Migratory Bird Day at Brandywine Zoo

Saturday, May 11, World Migratory Bird Day, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. "Migrate" through learning stations and activities at the Zoo today to learn about focusing on spring bird migrations, conservation programs, and how you can help protect them! Meet our American Kestrel Monitoring program researcher, make observations at our bird blind, and learn about different bird feeders to attract a variety of birds to your home!

Protejați păsările! Să găsim soluția la poluarea cu deșeurile din plastic!

Agenția pentru Protecția Mediului Constanța serbează ” Ziua Păsărilor Migratoare 2019” printr-o expoziție de desene cu tematică realizate de copiii de la Grădinița cu Program Prelungit nr.8 din Constanța și realizarea unui material informativ care v-a fi postat pe site-ul agenției și care va fi trimis și școlilor partenere din județ.


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