Educational Activity

"Las Aves y el Plástico"

Nos planteamos una actividad educativa con un grupo de niños de kindergarten para difundir soluciones sencillas y prácticas de manera de evitar el uso de plásticos en su hogar y en la escuela para la conservación de las aves en sus comunidades, de manera de mostrar cómo vivir en consonancia con un estilo de vida ecoamigable.

Meno plastica per tutti

Attività di sensibilizzazione per adulti e ragazzi, pulizia di un'area all'interno del territorio comunale.

Ritrovo ore 10:00 presso l'area verde di Madonna del Piano, Via 1 Maggio, Monte Castello di Vibio
E' consigliato portare dei guanti ed indossare abbigliamento adatto per la possibile presenza di fango lungo il percorso.

Екскурсія "Чи виживе оазис дикої природи серед міста?"

Маршрут екскурсії пролягатиме каскадом ставків у заплавній долині річки Омелянівка (притоки Стиру) в районі Черчиць та Кічкарівки у м. Луцьку( неподалік вулиць Чернишевського та Ковельської).

Еколого-освітня екскурсія приурочена до Всесвітнього дня мігруючих птахів

Feeding the only duck in the world who loves plastic

Lalzi bay lagoon is an important bird area especially for the migratory birds. The area is used by many people from local community and outsiders leaving there thousands of plastics on the groundand near the wetland. We have created a big metal structure of a duck silhouette which will be used as a big garbage can but a little bit more attractive. Almost 100 volunteers will be engaged in cleaning the area and putting plastics (feeding) inside the iron duck.

World Migratory Bird Day By Balsam Mountain Trust

Join us at this FREE community festival to celebrate migratory birds, and talk about some of the challenges they face. This family-friendly event will feature crafts, game, Cherokee storytelling, guided bird walks, and live birds! We hope to see you there!

Horicon Marsh Bird Festival

HORICON – A migration celebration starts Thursday as the 22nd annual Horicon Marsh Bird Festival gets underway.

Baldwin Hills Greenhouse Program Plastic Clean up

The Baldwin Hills Greenhouse Program are students from both Dorsey and Culver City High School. They are a group of students that complete an internship and do restoration around the park. Starting the activity we all grabbed binoculars and a compass and began our bird walk.This helped students get familiar with the local birds that use the park as habitat and to orient themselves during the walk. After, I gave a ”plastic talk,” where I talked about the history of plastics and their harm to the environment. I showed them reusable alternatives and how to dispose of plastic correctly.

Birdwatching in City Park

Iranian Birding Club and City Park Birdwatching Site have orgonized a Birdwatching tour on Thurseday 19th of May from 8:00 Am to 10:00 Am at City Park in center of Tehran. This tour is specially for celebrating this special day and also for informing people about the importance of the birds in our ecosystem. We give binoculars to the people who participate in this tour and we will go around the park to watch the birds. Join us. برنامه گشت پرنده نگری در سایت پرنده نگری پارک شهر با همراهی باشگاه پرنده نگری ایرانیان از ساعت 8 صبح تا 10 صبح به مناسبت روز جهانی پرندگان مهاجر برگزار می گردد

Birdwatching Workshop holding in Baharan Institute, Tehran/Iran

In order to familiarize people with bird-watching activities and the importance of the World Migratory Bird Day, I decided to arrange Bird-watching Workshop with a friend in the Baharan Institute on 5 May 2019.

VII Jornada de Aves Migratorias

La VII Jornada de Aves Migratorias se celebra a fin de recordar la importancia de las aves migratorias, y la protección de los lugares donde ellas quedan en su paso.

Esta organizado por un grupo de estudiantes de diversos cursos en la facultad de ciencias veterinarias. 

La tematica consiste en diversas charlas, y una feria con tematica de aves. 



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