
Birdwatching guided tour

Two hours walk through the Scheutbos, a 50 ha green area in Brussels, with comments of a trained ornithologist.

Igdir Aras River Bird Paradise World Migratory Bird Day and Global Big Day

We will celebrate the 10. anniversary of Aras River Bird Banding, Research, and Education Center with bird banding demonstration, birdwatching, a big day attempt, a press conference and our campaign to from the pointless Tuzluca Dam. Please join more than 60,000 signatures to

Incredible Journeys

Unusual weather pattern this year has not been good for the migratory birds. One has seen subtle changes in their migration patterns. For example, Bar Headed Geese could be seen around here well into April this year.

This is my third year celebrating WMBD and it has been a wonderful journey for me as well. This WMBD , I intend to be out early with my parents and visit the birding hotspots around here.

Acercamiento a las aves migratorias en Cabu Peñes

Punto de observación y visitas guiadas en el Monumento Natural de Zeluán (ría de Avilés); conferencia en un colegio.

LIFE LAGO SALSO: "Birdwatching & mitigation of impacts on power lines"

Il Centro Studi Naturalistici ONLUS e la Società Oasi Lago Salso di Manfredonia, aderiscono alla giornata mondiale degli uccelli migratori, presso l'Oasi il giorno 10 maggio 2015, con l'intento di sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica verso questo importante fenomeno fondamentale per la tutela e la conservazione degli uccelli. L’iniziativa si inserisce, inoltre, nell´ambito delle attività di comunicazione e sensibilizzazione previste dal progetto LIFE+ 2007 - “Azioni di conservazione per l´avifauna prioritaria dell´Oasi Lago Salso” 

Birdwatching and ringing of birds

At the most southern point of Scandinavia Gedser bird observatory and ringing station (aka GFU) we will undertake bird migration watch (aka "vis mig" [visual migration watch]). Also, as part of the standard bird-monitoring programme at GFU there will also be the usual five hours of mist netting and ringing of birds.

We are happy to be part of this event - however we can only participate in the vis mig part on the 9th of May however, as ringing is part of the program at GFU that will also happen during the following days.


World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at Aras Bird Research & Education Center

As previous years World Migratory Bird Day will be celebrated at Aras Bird Research and Education Center in Igdir, northeastern Turkey. Aras Valley is an important bird migration site where millions of passerines and soaring birds migrate from Africa to Eurasia and vice versa.

World Migratory Bird Day 2015 is Being Celebrated at Karatas and Burdur Lakes

The 6th Regional Directorate of The Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs is organizing the WMBD in Burdur, southwestern Turkey with increasing participation of GOs and NGOs each year.

Burdur Nature Conservation and National Parks Directorate is going to host the WMBD event with the participation of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University students, Turk Hava Kurumu Secondary School students and teachers, Burdur Birdwatching Society members, Lisinia Wildlife Rehabilitation Center team and volunteers, local people, GO and NGO representatives and press.

Wader Quest Patch Wader Watch

We will search for migrant waders on our local wader hotspot in Manor Farm.

Les Laro-Limicoles coloniaux

Découvrez les laro-limicoles coloniaux à travers le projet européen Life+ ENVOLL qui met en réseau 9 sites Natura 2000, 3 régions et des dizaines de structures tous unis pour leur protection sur le long terme ! Au programme, projection d’un fi lm, présentation du projet en salle puis visite d’un site de reproduction (radeau flottant).

14h Marais du Vigueirat

Durée 2h30

Tél 04 90 98 70 91 - M 30 - Gratuit

Partenaires : Les Marais du Vigueirat


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