
Observación de Aves migradoras en Cazalla (Tarifa - Estrecho de Gibraltar).

Día 7 de Mayo de 2016. Observatorio de aves de Cazalla (Tarifa) área del Estrecho de Gibraltar. De 10:00 ha 14:00 h.

Day 7 May 2016,  Bird Observatory of Cazalla ( Tarifa) area of ​​the Strait of Gibraltar. 10:00 h to 14:00 h .

Observación de Aves en el LIC de Palmones (Los Barrios - España)

10 de Mayo de 2016 Jornada de observación de aves en el Lugar de Importancia Comunitaria del río Palmones (los Barrios España) Horario de 10:00 h. a 14:00 h

May 10, 2016 Day,  Birding in the Site of Community Importance of Palmones river ( Los Barrios  - Spain ) 10:00 hours to 14:00 h

Birdwatching and Conservation Education for Primary School Students

Educational activity for Primary School Students at Jatimulyo village, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The participants will be educated about bird conservation, and how illegal hunting and trading lead to species extinction. So all participant students will have knowledge and awareness about birds around them, and expected to act for conservation in the future.

Education To Stop The Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade

Workshop about birds and habitat conservation for the students and farmers in Pematang Gadung Village and birdwatching in Pematang Gadung Forest

Sauvons nos oiseaux migrateurs .. Sauvons notre vie sur Terre

L'Association Sauvegarde des Zones Humides du Sud Tunisien : Nous allons célébrer ces journée :

* Une soirée de diffusion de film " le silence des oiseaux" et discussions 

* Un atelier de réflexions sur les dangers du braconnage et de la capture des oiseaux avec les associations d'elevage des oiseaux et les représentant de la DGF

* Une sortie d'observation (Birdwatching)

Jornadas sobre aves migratorias

Se llevarán a cabo disertaciones sobre aves migratorias en los distintos niveles de educación formal (escuelas, colegios, institutos superiores, universidades). Los más pequeños realizarán dibujos alusivos. Las actividades se organizan desde la cátedra de Educación Ambiental de la carrera de Tecnicatura Superior en Conservación de la Naturaleza, siendo los futuros guardaparques los que desarrollarán las guiadas en el campo.También se realizarán exposiciones de afiches sobre aves migratorias (2006-2016) en principales galerías de Mendoza.

Jornada d'anellament i observació d'aucells / Birdringing & birdwatching day

Ornithologists get lots of information about bird migrations through bird ringing stations. Today we can meet one, hosted by ornithologist José Luis Martínez, to get to know more about his work, and later on we'll go birdwatching to see how the migration season is like in the Natural Park of s'Albufera (Mallorca).

Jornada d'anellament i observació d'aucells / Birdringing & birdwatching day

Join us on a scientific bird ringing day with ornithologist Manolo Suárez, followed by a guided tour to identify the migrants which can be seen in the Natural Reserve of s'Albufereta

Identify your local Birds - WMBD16

Birds of Gujarat in Association with Gujarat Nature Conservation Society Vadodara Celebrates Birds of Gujarat's 10 Anniversary and to Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day and 10th Anniversary we have plan Event 2 days Prior to Actual WMBD-16, on 8th May. We have Talk from Birding Experts on Bird identification, and it's Conservation. Event will start on 9:00 AM Local time and End at Evening 5:00PM with Validictory Function. During workshop we teach identification of birds and also encourage Participants to prepare their list of Local Birds on 10th May and submit us by Evening of 10th May.

Desenhando Migratorias na costa Atlantica sur

we will paint bird species that pass through the Brazilian Atlantic coast . in two days sharing experiences and teaching the types of feeding them. taking into account environmental problematic on your journey ... how human activity influences . then we walk to the old church on an ornithological visit with some friends. in Vila Velha , a small city for estate of Espiritu Santo Brasil.... 


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