
Vogelkiek mit den Nationalpark-Rangern

Anlässlich des 30jährigen Nationalpark-Jubiläums gibt es in diesem Jahr im Nationalpark Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer gleich mehrere Angebote zum Weltzugvogeltag.

Am 8. Mai laden die Nationalpark-Ranger auf Langeoog, in Neßmersiel, in der Wesermarsch und an der Wurster Küste zur Zugvogelbeobachtung vor Ort ein. Auf Wangerooge wird das Bird-Watching vom Nationalpark-Haus und dem Mellumrat organisiert.

Vogelkiek mit dem Nationalpark-Ranger

Anlässlich des 30jährigen Nationalpark-Jubiläums gibt es in diesem Jahr im Nationalpark Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer gleich mehrere Angebote zum Weltzugvogeltag.

Am 8. Mai laden die Nationalpark-Ranger auf Langeoog, in Neßmersiel, in der Wesermarsch und an der Wurster Küste zur Zugvogelbeobachtung vor Ort ein. Auf Wangerooge wird das Bird-Watching vom Nationalpark-Haus und dem Mellumrat organisiert.

Migratory birds are awesome: Lets Save them Campaign

The '' Migratory birds are awesome: lets Save them campaign'' is a multifaceted celebration of World Migratory Bird Day 2016. Ghana Wildlife Society (GWS) will engage its junior members of the wildlife clubs in an awareness campaign on the effects of illegal trade and killing of migratory birds. Documentaries highlighting the killing and trade will be showed to children in three clubs close to wetlands to raise awareness on the 10th of May. News paper articles will be published in the national dailies to commerorate the WMBD 2016.

Tous pour sauver les oiseaux migrateurs

L’éducation à l’environnement dans le programme scolaire fait aujourd’hui partie intégrante des actions en faveur de la protection des oiseaux migrateurs.

La Fondation Agir Pour l’Afrique (F.A.P.A) considère la célébration de la  Journée Mondiale des Oiseaux Migrateurs comme la condition nécessaire pour que naissent la prise de conscience et l’envie d’action pour la protection des oiseaux migrateurs. Cette journée est aussi un atout pour une conservation efficace de ces oiseaux.

The Battle of Towers, Inkoo, Kopparnäs

Easy going battle of Towers. This event is part of a national event, The Battle of Towers. The aim is to observe as many species of birds as possible from a birdwatching tower during 8 hours. The main purpose is to promote birdwatching and the protection of birds. In addition to the teams, anyone is welcome to visit the towers during the event!

The Battle of Towers, Espoo, Fiskarsinmäki

This event is part of a national event, The Battle of Towers. The aim is to observe as many species of bird as possible from a birdwatching tower during 8 hours. The main purpose is to promote birdwatching and the protection of birds. In addition to the teams, anyone is welcome to visit the towers during the event!

Pengamatan Burung di Kota Banjarmasin

SBBC (South Borneo Biology Club) melakukan pengamatan burung di sekitar kecamatan Banjarmasin Utara. 


2016 World Migratory Bird Day Celebration in Ethiopia

The 2016 World Migratory Bird Day will be celebrated  for the 7th time in Ethiopia with events of Bird Watching, Educational Activity and Media event. The dates for the event are from 10-13 May 2016. People from different professional backgrounds and local communities will be invited on the occation.

Visita temática: Dia mundial das Aves MIgratórias

Localizado no coração da mais importante zona húmida de Portugal, o Estuário do Tejo, o EVOA – Espaço de Visitação e Observação de Aves permite que os visitantes conheçam e desfrutem do património único, existente entre a lezíria e o estuário do Tejo.

World Migratory Bird Day 2016 Event in Yala Ecosystem


As an IBA, Yala swamp is a haven endowed with some of the most fascinating variety of birds. A number of bird enthusiasts visit Yala swamp to enjoy bird watching, and there are existing opportunities in recognizing the value of birds including generating income from ecotourism with birds as a tourist attraction.

Past WMBD events


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