
vancouver Bird Week

Vancouver Bird Week is an annual celebration of birds. Through the city are walks, lectures, films, art work, workshops, and photography exhibitions. The theme for 2016 is birds in the garden. Bird Week in 2018 will coincide with the International Ornithological Congress to be held in the Vancouver Convention Centre in August. Go to www, for more.

Migratory Birds in the Dead Sea Margins and Madaba

- Birdwatching trip to the Dead Sea margins SW of Madaba on 29th April, to watch migratory soaring birds, especially Levant Sparrow Hawk .. 

- ringing activities at Madaba, in cooperation with the American University of Madaba; ringing is to be introduced by Prof. Fares Khoury, a Jordanian ornithologist and licenced ringer; date 10-13th May. 

"Illegal Killing of Migratory Birds" Educational Lecture in Dsegh Village, Armenia


For many years Armenian Society for the Protection of Birds NGO (BirdLife in Armenia) has participated in World Migratory Bird Day campaign and has organised various events, such as educational lectures, birdwatching trips, movie presentations and many other activities related to the topic of Migratory Birds.

This year, our team made a decision to organise an Educational Lecture in Nature Visitor Center in Dsegh Village (Lori Province, northern part of Armenia).

World Migratory Bird Day 2016 in Malaysia

Malaysian Nature Socity branches in Terengganu and Kelantan will organise a full day of activities related to the 2016 WMBD theme on trapping of migratory bird species.

Field and Forest Birdwatching

Birdlife Polokwane will have a day visit to the forests at Kurisa Moya Nature Lodge. The event is well attended and will be led by master bird guide David Letsoalo. Special emphasis will be placed on the plight of migratory birds.

Respectez les droits des autres dans la nature

A l’occasion de la journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs (JMOM ou WMBD), le Club Ornitho de l'Association Environnementale AquaCirta avec le CEM DESCARTES  organisera une sortie sur terrain pour des observations ornithologiques à la retenue collinaire Mellah (commune d'El Khroub, wilaya de Constantine) le mardi 10 mai 2016. 
Notre programme sera comme suit : 
08 :00 Regroupement a l'Ecole moyenne Descartes (cite Boussouf)
08 :15 Départ vers la retenue collinaire
08 :45 : Arrivée sur site
Explications des principes de base de l'ornithologie de terrain

Birds: A treasure that has no price (Original: "Птиците: „Богатство без цена“/ Pticite: "Bogatstvo bez cena"

The event will take place at the Skopje Zoo, the best place for people of all ages to get acquainted with birds and our purpose to conserve them. 

A team of students and volunteers will make sure every visitor of the zoo who is interested in the event gets to do a fun and educational activity and participate in birdwatching. 

Birdwaching and Counting

Last ten year bird consultant use this place for beginer birdwacher to lear shorebirds or waterbirds. and this place is favorite place or stop over migratory shorebirds, that's why we use this place for birwatching, identification or cunting.


World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) is a celebration that held every year since 2006 in concern to create public awareness on nature conservation, especially migratory birds.


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