
Living in Harmony with Migratory Birds

Over the last 2 years, Biodiversity Society found that migratory birds, especially Oriental Honey Buzzard and Japanese Sparrow-hawk use the same place in Mount Slamet Forest for roosting site. Some of them roosted in the village which are really close to human settlements. In order to increase awareness on local people, we would like to promote this information to local villagers, so they can live in harmony with migratory birds and protect the area from poachers who are still frequently present in Indonesia.

Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day 2016 in Limboto Lake, Gorontalo

Gorontalo Biodiversity Forum is going to celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day 2016 for the first time in Gorontalo region of Sulawesi, Indonesia. The main objective of the event is to raise public awareness of migratory bird and their conservation action especially on protecting their habitat of Limboto Lake, one of the important spot for migratory bird and other endemic faunas in Gorontalo. On the day of 10 May 2016, we are going to have birding at Limboto Lake in the morning and then continuing with educational activity and media trip.

Oh human Let migratory birds pass safely

Zoology Department at the University of Tripoli and the Libyan Society of Birds (LSB) intend to organize an educational and birdwatching day for students from Zoology department, Faculty of Science, Tripoli University on Saturday 14 May 2016. This event will be at man made wetland (Hadba treatment plant) as a site of importance for birds in Tripoli. The program will include some opening words and a lecture about WMBD. Then, birdwatching for the rest of the day.

Sind alle Vögel wieder da, Beobachtungstour: Zugvögel X 30! Weltzugvogeltag 2016

Im Mai hat Langeoog tausende Gästen aus Afrika - auf dem Weg nach Sibirien! Mit dem 30-fach vergrößernden Fernrohr können wir die extremreisenden Zugvögel gut beobachten. Auch das Geschäft der hier ansässigen Brutvögel hat Hochkonjunktur: Eine Vogelbeobachtungstour zur besten Jahreszeit mit Jan Weinbecker! "
Dauer ca 2,5 Std., Eintritt: 8€/4€, Per Fahrrad! (Fahrrad, robustes Schuhwerk, falls vorhanden Fernglas).

Sind alle Vögel da - Vogelschutz auf Langeoog von damals bis heute Weltzugvogeltag 2016

Eine Fahrradtour mit dem Nationalpark-Ranger J. Runar zum Vogelwärterhäuschen mit Möwenkolonie. Interessantes zum Vogelschutzes auf Langeoog – damals/heute?

Dauer ca 2,5 Std., Eintritt: 8€/4€, Bitte mitbringen:Fahrrad, robustes Schuhwerk und falls vorhanden Fernglas.


Parco Nord Milano is a regional park in the city of Milan. For this event, we planned the following: educational activities for students on Friday (13-05-2016); birdwatching, showing of an unreleased documentary (movie) about birds migrating over Parco Nord Milano and the surrounding areas, an exhibition on dangers and illegal hunting on flyways and scientific lectures on Saturday (14-05-16); biking, photo exhibition and educational activities for children on Sunday (15-05-16).

Aves Migratorias no PN Lagoa do Peixe

Festival de aves migratorias no Parque Nacional da Lagoa do Peixe.Apresentaçoes,palestras,mini-cursos,saidas a campo para observaçao de aves.


The Arusha Big Birding Day

On the 9th and 10th of May, The Interpretive Guides Society hosted the first ever Arusha Big Birding Day!  The idea is to establish a fun annual event accessible to all, which celebrates the exceptional diversity of birds here, and raises funds for conservation.

WMBD on IBA «Dalverzin hunting-management area» in Uzbekistan

Being BirdLife Affiliate Partner, Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds (UzSPB) takes part in WMBD campaign from 2011. Under the aegis of Spring Alive members and volunteers of UzSPB conducted educational activities and birdwatching events dedicated to the World Migratory Bird Day 2015 on IBAs in Uzbekistan in the framework of the project «Developing mechanisms for conservation and sustainable use of the main ecosystems in Uzbekistan». The venues for WBMD 2015 were IBAs «Dalverzin hunting management area», «Ayakagima lake» and «Amankutan pass».


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