Bird Camp

"Flying is no escape..."

We are for the first time celebrating WORLD MIGRATORY BIRD DAY-2013 in Dehradun which is the capital city of the newly formed state Uttrakhand in India.
I have worked on Migratory Birds for many years of my life and we at BUGHADI FOUNDATION are organising a meeting and onsite bird watching event at the Migratory Bird site.

World Migratory Bird Day-2013

Right now we are working on migratory bird of this region. During these 3 days we will organize a bird watching trip and some other events for raising awareness amongst people about migratory birds.

WMBD - Bird watching & Photography

May 11th - Ukkadam Lake
06:30-07:00 - Introduction about Birding & awareness
07:00-09:00 - Bird watching & photography
09:00-09:30 - Discuss about conservation & conclude

May 12th - Singanallur Lake
06:30-07:00 - Introduction about Birding & awareness
07:00-09:00 - Bird watching & photography
09:00-09:30 - Discuss about conservation & conclude


Las actividades se organizan desde la Cátedra de Educación Ambiental de la carrera de Tecnicatura Superior en Conservación de la Naturaleza, consistente en charlas a alumnos de la Institución que nuclea 4 carreras más.
A su vez alumnos de la Tecnicatura en Conservación ofrecerán charlas en escuelas, colegios e Institutos de Mendoza.
Se realizarán avistajes de aves en áreas naturales protegidas de la provincia.
Exposición de videos, PPT y charlas en el Zoológico local y Escuela Hogar Eva Perón, realizando junto a sus alumnos dinámicas relacionadas con las migraciones.

Evergreen Haven For Migratory Birds

Biodiversity Society celebrates World Migratory Bird Day 2013 by conducting several activities in Banyumas Regency such as:
1. Birdwatching
2. Publishing awareness materials (stickers)
3. Bird Camps
4. School Visit

Those activities will be conducted during May 10 - 31, 2013.

SORTIDA a la Reserva de Fauna Salvatge del Pantà de Sant Llorens de Montgai, in Spain

SORTIDA a la Reserva de Fauna Salvatge del Pantà de Sant Llorenç de Montgai (La Noguera), diumenge dia 12 de maig a les 8 del matí al pàrquing de l'embassament. Es donarà a conèixer les aus migratòries, l'ecosistema del bosc de ribera i la fauna més destacada d'aquest espai natural.

CAL PORTAR: roba i calçat adequat * barret i protecció solar * binocles * guia d'ocells si es disposa * bloc de notes i bolígraf * repel·lent d'insectes * beguda * PROHIBIT PORTAR GOSSOS

ORGANITZA: Birding Lleida Expedicions
COL·LABORA: Consell Comarcal de la Noguera

Chiloe Island is part of the Networking for migratory birds

Fieldtrip to do birdwatching and next day visiting our facilities where we are planning a schedule of videos, presentation, training in field, bird research, and games.
The activities are separate for schools and general public.

World Migratory Bird Day

We will organize lectures, seminars, symposia, painting competition, wetland visit and Nature Camp. Migratory Birds photo exhibition.


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