Bird Camp

Dia Mundial de las aves migratorias "Aves Migratorias" - Embajadoras de la Biodiversidad"

Realización de dinámicas educativas dirigidas a estudiantes de nivel primario, medio y polimodal, referidas a las aves migratorias. Para docentes y profesores de biología, charlas referidas a las "migraciones de las aves":
Ventajas y Desventajas.
En áreas naturales protegidas (reservas y parques de la provincia), actividades alusivas al día mundial de las aves migratorias, con actividades de avistamientos, dirigidas a estudiantes y turistas que esten de visita en el área protegida.

For Tour Fly

Birdwatching and Bird Camps in a SIC and ZPS forest

Migratory raptors project

The project is dedicated to the raptors' migration on the "Sicilian" area, one of the most important bottle neck in Europe. In five areas, from 20th of April to 20th of May, a group of observers are monitoring the migration on the isles of Pantelleria, Marettimo, Panarea, Ustica and on the Stretto di Messina.

Dakatcha Woodland Conservation Bird Migratory Campaigns

1. Morning and evening bird walks
2. Songs, poems & dances
3. Excursion tours and field trips within Dakatcha woodland IBA
4. Educating local community, schools & churches on biodiversity conservation
5. Tree planting programmes
6. Creating awareness & sensitizing the public on the importnce of environmental conservation

Bird counting and identification around Arusha

A group of guided courses and invited bird friends will travel within the Arusha region and set up camps for the event. Bird identification will be carried out and in the end we will count migratory birds observed and identified. The field work will include among other things assessments on habitats/environments in the areas we have visited and worked in.

Festival Internacional de las aves migratorias - International festival of migratory birds

Se llevan a cabo inauguración en la plaza pública del Puerto de San Blas, Nayarit. Hay 10 rutas de observación de aves, talleres infantiles, conferencias, concursos de artes plasticas, eventos culturales y exposiciones.

An international bird festival will be opened on the public plaza in the Port of San Blas, Nayarit. A presentation of 10 migratory bird species will be given accompanied by a workshop for children, conferences, a contest of plastic arts, cultural events and exhibitions.


The activity will start with a bird walk in early morning and continued by a slide show on migratory birds in the afternoon. Villagers and school students are invited to identify birds of the area and to take part in a drawing and essay compition in the evening.

Naturerlebnis im Naturpark Stromberg-Heuchelberg - Chancen der Wiederansiedlung des Weißstorches in Ötisheim - Experience of nature in the natural park Stromberg-Heuchelberg - Chances for resettlement of the white storks in Ötisheim

Zum diesjährigen Weltzugvogeltag plant die Akademie für Natur- und Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Landratsamt Enzkreis und der Gemeinde Ötisheim eine Fachexkursion zum Thema "Schutz wandernder Tierarten". Geplant ist unter anderem ein Besuch zum Weißstorchgebiet im mittleren Oberrhein.

Es handelt sich hierbei um eine geschlossene Veranstaltung!

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at Lake Kuyucuk RAMSAR site

As it has been celebrated the last two years, KuzeyDoga Society will organise an event at Lake Kuyucuk, Turkey's 13th, eastern Anatolia's first RAMSAR site and European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) site of 2009.

Dr. Cagan Sekercioglu, president of the KuzeyDoga Society, will give a speech on the importance of the day and the wetlands for the migrating birds.

Local villagers, local administrators and local school children will attend the event.

Celebrating Migratory Birds in Tunisia

As in previous years, celebrations for World Migratory Bird Day, organized by the Association ‹‹Les Amis des Oiseaux›› (AAO), the BirdLife Partner in Tunisia, are running over the period from April to May.

AAO and its national partners started with a National Bird Migration Camp at the Important Bird Area (IBA) TN004 Jebel El Haouaria (also known as Jebel Sidi Abiod) on the Cape Bon from 3 to 11 April 2010.


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