Bird Camp

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

En la ciudad de san José del Guaviare (Colombia) ubicada con coordenadas Geográficas 2°34′15″N 72°38′25″O, el día ocho de abril del presente año se realizaron actividades correspondiente al Día mundial de las aves migratorias. Diferentes instituciones académicas, corporaciones ambientales y gubernamentales presentes en la ciudad realizaron charlas sobre Aves migratorias y efectos de la deforestación en el Amazonas, relaciono a continuación los temas tratados:

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at Aras Bird Research & Education Center

As previous years KuzeyDoga Society will be celebrating World Migratory Bird Day at Aras Bird Research and Education Center in northeastern Turkey. Aras valley is an important bird migration site where millions of passerines and soaring birds migrate from Africa to Eurasia and vice versa. KuzeyDoga Society has been ringing birds in this valley since 2006 and the data we have collected how Aras valley is important for bird migration due to the individuals we retrapped.

Prenuptial Bird Migration Suirvey Camp

Since 1986, a long-term survey of the prenuptial bird migration is lead at the top of the Medoc peninsula near Bordeaux. Each day and during the whole journey, birds are counted by professionnals and volunteers. You are welcome to particpate or simply enjoy the show. About 400.000 birds of 150 sepcies can be seen.

Journées Mondiales des Oiseaux Migrateurs

Exhibition on migration at the media library in the village of La Turbie, in the south of France on May 13 & 14.

On May 14 & 15 a bird camp will be held in the hills above La Turbie. The Mont Bataille has a 360° view from the Mediterranean sea to the mountains and is an excellent spot for the observation of migrating bee eaters and honey buzzards at the time of WMBD. Local ornithologists will explain the mysteries of migration to the general public.

Ramnamanjato Jean Baptiste

NGOs, students and QMM employees will observe aquatic birds during 2 days. The morning session of the event runs from 5h00hrs until 9h00hrs with birdwatching activities and will be followed by sensitisation about the 2011 theme.
In 2010, within the 2 days we observed around 300 aquatic birds. QMM supports this educational programm since 2002 and this year will be the 10th anniversary of our birdwatching event in collaboration with Asity Madagascar.

San Salvador de Jujuy Bird´s

We will teach courses relating to the conservation of birds in our province for field trips, currently taking place. We will conduct awareness raising talks throughout the year. Additionally, we will offer a trip to Lagunas de los Pozuelos (Ramsar Site) to observe migratory plovers coming from the North Pole.

Censo de Cigüeñas Negras - Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) en migracion postnupcial por el Estrecho de Gibraltar

Proyecto de voluntariado para el seguimiento y censo de Cigüeñas negras en migración posnupcial por el Estrecho de Gibraltar. Este proyecto se inició en 1996 con un estudio previo, en 1997 se realizó el primer censo de esta especie que luego se ha repetido cada 5 años (2002, 2007 ...) y este año 2012. Se organizan 4 campos de trabajo para voluntarios desde el 20 de agosto al 14 de octubre.

Seguimiento de aves en las Marismas del río Palmones. (Mirador Ornitológico de Palmones)

Fechas: 14/1/2012 11/2/2012 10/3/2012 14/4/2012 12/5/2012 16/6/2012 14/7/2012 11/8/2012 15/9/2012 20/10/2012 10/11/2012 15/12/2012 Durante 12 jornadas al año, una jornada cada mes, el Colectivo Ornitológico Cigüeña Negra organiza el Proyecto de Seguimiento de Aves en las Marismas del río Palmones. Desde el mirador Ornitológico del río Palmones en horario de 10:00 h. a 18:00 h.

Celebrando las Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias en Chiloé

We will prepare a program that start visiting schools closed to important bird areas and doing an introduction to the subject following by training and birdwatching activities. In the next days, we are planning to meet people from indigenous communities and have a conversation about their sense about birds and the importance of its in their culture. As well that we will be visiting others wetlands closed to them and doing outdoor activities with volunteers of out Chiloe Bird Observatory Group.

Jornadas sobre aves migratorias y las personas

Actividades con grupos de técnicos superiores en conservación de la naturaleza en escuelas y colegios, realizando dinámicas específicas sobre aves migratorias que arriban a la provincia de Mendoza y Argentina.
Charlas en salas de la ciudad destinadas a público en general.


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