Bird Camp

Promoting Local Communities Protection to Save Migratory Birds

To celebrate WMBD 2014, Biodiversity Society would like to promote the involvement of local communities in protecting migratory birds from poaching. This celebration is consist of:
1. Migratory Birdwatching
2. Campaign Activity
3. Environment Education

You are welcome my flying friends!

Hello Friends,
We at BUGHADI FOUNDATION will be celebrating our second World Migratory Bird Day on 10th May 2014 at Assan Barrage, 40 Km from Dehradun. This is a famous Migratory Bird visiting spot.
Anyone from any where interested may join us free of charges.
Thanks with best regards
Sarfaraz Hasan


Since 2006 BSPSM has organized many of ecological action and other activities to promout WMBD, CMS, AEWA, CBD, RCW, CITES, BC/CE for Natire Conservation and especialy for conservation of migratoru birds and thair natural habitats. Every year we have organise Weec of Migratory Bird (7 days. This year ecological and ornithological section of the SPSM have prepared Programs whit components for trening, education of young peoples, scouls, NGOs and Private Sector from 30 region in Macedonia (5-11. May 2014).

WMBD Awareness Campaign in Schools around Tana Delta

We shall have a two Day Event Day 1: Bird Watching- Teaching school children the general principles of birding to help them appreciate the value and uniqueness of birds Day 2: Lectures on Migration of birds and the connection between Birds and Tourism; Schools expected to come up with bird conservation related songs; dramas and other forms of creative arts

Campo Migrazione Rapaci del Conero

Migratory Raptors Camp in the Conero Park is an activity carried on since '90s. Conero Park is a hot spot of raptors during spring migration season: infact each years we observe about 10.000 raptors on pass! So, we will stay in a perfect overview point to observe the raptors that coming from SW and go to NW or Croatia. We have binoculars and telescopes for everybody!


Actividades educativas desarrolladas por técnicos en Conservación de la Naturaleza, destinadas a estudiantes de colegios y centros educativos de la provincia de Mendoza. Actividad alusiva en Escuela Hogar Eva Perón. Salida a terreno (BirdWatching)en Areas Protegidas de la provincia. Realización de folletería alusiva al evento. Exposición en evento:ECO 21- del 21 al 23 de mayo Jornadas de Educación Ambiental y Desarrollo Sustentable.

daw A. Haddoud

study nesting sea bird in Libyan coast especially endogenous species

Celebrating World Migration Bird Day in Kenya

Various Site Support Groups will be participating in the various activities aacross the country to mark/celebrate the WMBD.


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