
Promoting the Protection of Wintering Sites of Migratory Birds

1. Conducting bird watching at city parks of Purwokerto
2. Distributing awareness materials (stickers, leaflet)
3. Publish press release to newspaper media (local, regional and national)

World Migratory Bird Day at Beaver Lake

Celebrate the return of our feathered friends! May 12 is the USFWS's International Migratory Bird Day and the United Nations Environmental Program's (UNEP) World Migratory Bird Day. Join CRD Regional Parks, Rocky Point Bird Observatory and the Victoria Natural History Society to learn more about the journey that birds take from their summer and winter homes. This free drop-in event offers engaging activities for birders of all ages, expertise and abilities.

Skagen Bird Festival

Observationpost on Skagen (Grenen) the migratory route to the northern Europe (Scandinavia)
Artist exhibition of nature/birds

IDEA birdhouses installation

In connection with World Migratory Bird Day last year we announced Birdhouse design competition. This year we have already prepared the birdhouses and on the occasion of the next World Migratory Bird Day IDEA Campaign will be installing birdhouses in Baku, Moscow, London, Biskek and Vilnius.

World Migratory Birds Festival- Birdlife UNDP/GEF migratory soaring birds project

In this event PWLS will celebrate World Migratory Birds Day in Jericho. Under the project Birdlife UNDP/GEF migratory soaring bird’s project. PWLS will implement a full day festival for farmers and decision makers. This event will include the subjects of Migratory Soaring Birds & Waste Management and Migratory Soaring Birds & Agriculture. Bird watching and banding, hiking, presenting about the project of Migratory Soaring Birds and an awareness campaign for the targeted audience will be implemented during the Festival.

Making a wetland centre. Training seminar for educational departments of nature protected areas of NW Russia

The seminar is aimed to motivate educational departments of nature protected areas for making a wetland visitor center. The seminar was organised with the support of the Matra programme of Embassy of Netherlands and in collaboration with Wetlands International Russia. Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust also took part in the seminar - the head of Wetland Link International, Chris Rostron made some presentations about the UK experience in making wetland centers.

Dìa Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

Mediante el presente la Dirección Provincial del Ambiente de Imbabura, pone en su conocimiento lo solicitado con Memorando Nro. MAE-CGZ4-DPAM-2013-0494 de fecha, 09 de abril de 2013, " CREANDO REDES PARA CONSERVAR LAS AVES MIGRATORIAS": 1.- Tema del evento y objetivos Libro virtual de aves migratorias que visitan las lagunas de Yahuarcocha, San Pablo y Cuicocha; el objetivo entregar materiales de conocimiento a las Instituciones Educativas de la Provincia.

Networking for migratory birds

A minimum of 600 pupils and teachers from at least 30 primary schools, secondary schools, tertiary and OVC’s institutions, plus hundreds of local community people, and other relevant stakeholders, including political and social leaders, government employees, other conservation NGOs and the media.

World Migratory Bird Day

The WMBD will solely be devoted to bird watching. The Event will be initiated in the Conference Hall of the Electricity Company. The bird watching will be conducted in Umshegaira Island in Khartoum State where migratory birds stop en route to the wintering sites or winter in the island. Families of electricity and waste management sectors will be invited to participate in the birds watching. The society will provide binoculars, telescopes, field guides as well as camping equipment. Two boats will be hired to take the guest to the island as well as a mini bus to transport them to the shore.

Toh bird Festival

From March to November the Festival hosts many activities related to the incredible bird diversity of Yucatan, like birdwatching tours, conferences, workshops, photography and drawing contest, activities for kids and so much more.

?The pinnacle of the festival, the bird-a-thon xoc ch'ich' (in the Maya language literally means �bird count�), will take place from Saturday 22th to Sunday 24th of November 2013 in Merida and Rio Lagartos, Yucat�n.


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