
World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

In the district of Dharwad, there have been many lakes and water tanks, providing safe spots for many different migratory bird species. Some years ago, thousands of migratory birds used to come during the migratory season to these areas. Now, due to urbanization and pollution of these weltands there has been a tremendous decrease in the arrival of migratory birds.

Eden "Fresh Fest"

The school is hosting a "green" festival. BirdLife Port Natal will offer information on birds and bird migration, a bird migration game, specifically about the Barn Swallow (the Bird of the Year), and other bird-related games and competitions throughout the day.

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

En la ciudad de san José del Guaviare (Colombia) ubicada con coordenadas Geográficas 2°34′15″N 72°38′25″O, el día ocho de abril del presente año se realizaron actividades correspondiente al Día mundial de las aves migratorias. Diferentes instituciones académicas, corporaciones ambientales y gubernamentales presentes en la ciudad realizaron charlas sobre Aves migratorias y efectos de la deforestación en el Amazonas, relaciono a continuación los temas tratados:

World Migratory Bird Day celebrations at Bijata Shala National Park, Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority will celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with a festival and educational activities to raise awareness for migratory birds. The celebrations will take place at Bijata Shala National Park from 14-15 May 2011 and the media will be invited to this event.

World Migratory Bird Day

The Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority will organise a festival and educational activities to raise awareness for migratory birds on World Migratory Bird Day at Addis Abeba.

World Migratory Bird Day celebrations 2011 at Boondall Wetlands

Join the fun at Boondall Wetlands to help celebrate World Migratory Bird Day 2011. A range of free activities including canoeing, cycling, guided walks, art workshops, bird-watching and storytelling in the beautiful natural surrounds of Boondall Wetlands Reserve. Boondall Wetlands is part of Ramsar-listed Moreton Bay in Queensland, Australia.

Migratory Birds Festival in Syria

The celebration will start on Saturday, 14th May with a trip to Jabboul Lake north east of Syria for birdwatching activities. 15-20 Journalists will accompany this trip. In the afternoon a roundtable in Aleppo will discuss the role of migratory birds in nature, with a special focus on the Syrian environment.

WMBD celebrations in Israel

World Migratory Bird Day illustrates the need to protect migratory birds. Stalls, activities and information on migratory birds, bird ringing station, recognizing the work of the birdwatcher, bird watching games for children, releasing rehabilitated migratory birds (kites and Hasidism) and many more will be organised end of April at the Israel Nature & Parks Authority.

Week-end Oiseaux

Week-end oiseaux " Les changements
d’utilisation des sols–vue à vol d'oiseau ": lieu Cité el manara Gabes

WMBD Promoting Indigenous Knowledge of Bird Conservation

Commemorating with over 500 school children, orphans & vulnerable children, teachers, local community members, and other stakeholders. School children showcased various performances including choral singing, dancing, drama, playing musical instruments, and reading poetry depicting conservation issues.


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