
Sonadia Island awareness campaign

Large scale awareness raising campaign on Sonadia Island - the second most important wintering site of the Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper and many other threatened shorebirds. The campaign will include school visits by ex-hunters, who used to be hunters but now with alternative livelihood support they are protecting shorebirds and participating in various bird conservation activities.

Conservemos el Hábitat de las Aves Migratorias

Spots informativos sobre aves migratorias en medios de comunicación.
Conferencias Académicas.
Salidas de Campo a Observar Aves.
Safari Fotográfico de Aves: Exposición.
Concurso de dibujo infantil sobre aves.
Selección para limpieza y cuidado de tres sitios utilizados como hábitat invernal de aves migratorias.

Networking for Migratory Birds

Art festival for children (4 to 13 years) on the 4th of May. Cycle of lectures (Seminar) on networking for migratory birds on 11th May and free visit to the Ecuasal saltlakes in Salinas, Mar Bravo on the morning of the 12th.

Celebrating the Miracle of Life with Bird Migration

- Discover Anjar’s Eagle Trail - a path along the culture of the Armenian village, Ummayad city and spectacular nature
- Hike or Bike along the water course from the Anjar spring to the Anjar Wetlands
- Support the local foods and crafts at the Traditional Souk
- Visit Tyer Ya Tyer Exhibition at Hima Anjar Visitors Center

Migratory Bird Day in Mongolia

During the World Migratory Bird Day, we will organize a nation wide event with governmental and local organizations. There will be presentations on migratory birds, migration routes, a day birding, bird photographs contest and other public related activities.

Cross Border Corporation during the World Migratory Bird Day, May 2013

Cross border corporation is a recent activity for this celebration this year. As you know NGO "FINCH" has celebrated WMBD since 2009 in the Republic of Kosovo so this time we are planning to organize a bird watching session in a well-known wetland near the town of Kukes in Albania. Together with some of Albanian NGOs, Finch will try to join different organization of two countries in one place.

Skagen Bird Festival

The Skaw Bird Festival is an annual event for birders and others joining on the northern most point of Denmark. The Skaw - or in Danish, Skagen - is one of the most important European migration spots, where migrating birds from the African continent and southern Europa pass on their way to the breeding areas in northern Scandinavia and Murmansk. The Festival highlights the migration, with guided tours, bird watching, art exhibition and lectures about birds of prey.

"Bineshiyag n'ganawaabmaanaanig!" We watch the birds! Bird Day Celebration

Join the Isabella Conservation District and the Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture for our 3rd Annual Bird Day Celebration on Saturday May 3rd from 1:00PM to 4:00PM. This event is free and open to the public. Scheduled activities begin with an Eagle Dance at 1PM. A live birds of prey presentation is scheduled at 2:30PM. Other activities include owl pellet dissection, kids crafts, make and take an Audubon Bird Call, make bird feeder, handle replicas of bird skulls and eggs, and learn about birds and birding from Members of the Chippewa Valley Audubon Club.

Aves migratorias de Cochabamba

El día 10 de mayo desarrollaremos un taller acerca de la observación de aves en nuestra ciudad, el objetivo es mostrar las oportunidades y potencialidades que la ciudad de Cochabamba presenta para realizar esta actividad. Además presentaremos rutas importantes dentro la ciudad para observar aves como inicio de la iniciativa "Turismo científico en la ciudad". Finalmente El día 11 de mayo visitaremos la laguna Alalay para observar aves.

Las Aves Migratorias y nuestros Zoológicos

Presentación de obra de títeres para los visitantes, proyección de videos, Dibujando las aves


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