
Octubre de Aves en Facebook con SIRUKI

Con motivo del Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias, en alianza con colegas de Environment for the Americas, Celebrate Urban Birds, Veracruz Río de Rapaces, Festival Alas Metropolitanas y PAU Guadalajara, en distintas fechas del mes de octubre daremos algunos talleres para niños y charlas gratuitas ONLINE para valorar a las aves, su gran esfuerzo de migración y conocer algunas de las especies que llegan a la ciudad de Morelia, Michoacán en México. ¡Los esperamos! 


Wings Over Willapa

Wings Over Willapa is a festival connecting people with birds, art, and nature in celebration of Willapa National Wildlife Refuge held on September 23-26, 2021. This annual celebration includes at least 35 tours, hikes, walks, classes, and presentations. On Friday September 24, the Festival hosts a silent auction and dinner with keynote speaker Rosemary Mosco, a science writer and naturalist who creates Bird and Moon Comics and describes her focus as connecting people with nature.

Copper River Delta Shorebird Festival

Join the Copper River Delta Shorebird Festival as we celebrate the arrival of spring and the migration of shorebirds.  We want you to enjoy birds where you are, and share your bird sightings with us!  Here are some resources to share the shorebirds with us in Cordova, Alaska, and enjoy them where you are.  Experience migration on the Delta with Daily Bird Diaries,  Log your bird sightings on iNaturalist & eBird, enjoy a shorebird movie night on our video channels, and participate in Birding Bingo for a chance to win prizes.

Birds on the Niagara

Birds on Niagara is in our 3rd year as an International Bird Festival celebrating both the winter birds on the Niagara River Strait, and providing year round educational activities with partners on both sides of the border.  Our goals are to both raise the awarness of birds, and to help to introduce citizen science to very critical conservation needs. This spring during the Corvid-19 pandemic we are hosting a series of vitural events to help keep people connected.

Birding Festival

See a variety of birds in a beautiful setting! Local birding experts from Audubon Dakota take participants on guided tours. Participants are encouraged to bring their own binoculars.

Spring Wings Bird Festival

The city of Fallon celebrates World Migratory Bird Day on the second Saturday of May and the height of spring migration to the Lahontan Valley Wetlands of the Stillwater Complex with the annual Spring Wing Bird Festival, held Friday through Sunday, May 8-10 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the William N. Pennington Life Center, 925 S. Maine Street in Fallon.

Spring Wings Bird Festival appropriate for all ages and anyone interested in birds, nature and the great outdoors. You don’t have to be an expert “birder” to enjoy all the activities we have to offer.

World Migratory Bird Day 2020 Digitally - Smithsonian's National Zoo

Join the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center online this World Migratory Bird Day, May 9, in a digital celebration of birds and simple actions you can take from home to help save them. This one-day digital “flash flock” will raise awareness for Bird Friendly® coffee, which conserves important habitat for migratory birds and other wildlife where coffee is grown.

Migration Celebration 2020 at Green Cay Nature Center

Migration Celebration is a FREE event for all ages with a purpose of educating the public, encouraging an appreciation for nature, fostering a respect for wildlife, and of course, have fun! As an official Migratory Bird Day event, we will join hundreds of organizations from around the world exploring the routes of migratory birds, focusing on tracking technologies, and how this knowledge is used to inform conservation. We hope you will join us for guided tours, live animals, exhibitors, face painting, and more!

Festival de Aves Migratorias del Casanare, Colombia

Por primera vez en la región de los Llanos colombianos se realizará el Festival de Aves Migratorias en el departamento de Casanare. La Asociación Calidris, BirdLife en Colombia, junto a la Fundación La Palmita, Asociación de Becarios del Casanare, Fundación Cunaguaro y otros instituciones se han dado a la tarea de brindar a la comunidad de la ciudad de Yopal, capital del Casanare, la oportunidad de celebrar las aves migratorias de las sabanas y el piedemonte llanero.


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