
World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

World Migratory Bird Day is an annual event for educating the public about the urgent conservation needs of migratory birds and their habitats. On Saturday, May 14, join Pipestone National Monument for a fun and informative day of activities for the whole family! 

World Migratory Bird Day at the Alaska Zoo

World Migratory Bird Day is celebrated annually at the Alaska Zoo with our longtime partner U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This year’s event will feature birding signs with QR codes which visitors can scan with phone cameras to learn about birds and birding, binoculars available to borrow during your visit, take home items courtesy of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Birds and an early morning guided bird walk (must buy tickets in advance online, spaces limited) to observe species passing through zoo grounds in early morning hours.

World Migratory Bird Day 2022

There will be information tables for BLESS (Big Lake Environment Support Society), Ducks Unlimited, Nature Alberta, Canadian Wildlife Federation and Alberta Provincial Parks.

Activities include crafts for children, pond dipping and bird watching/identification.  A large map of the Americas will highlight migratory routes of this years special birds and another display will highlight how we can help birds with the night light pollution.


Considerando que OPADES posee como misión desarrollar una cultura de respeto a la naturaleza con la participación activa de la sociedad, esta propuesta se enfoca en establecer un espacio que incluya la degustación de cervezas artesanales, en un ambiente de happy hour, para socializar con entusiastas de la observación de aves y el público en general. 

Twin Cities Urban Birding Festival

The Urban Birding Festival of the Twin Cities is a weekend full of fun and educational activities which celebrate the birds that we see in the Minneapolis-St Paul metro area of Minnesota. It is an opportunity to meet our neighbors, connect with nature, and increase our understanding of how our lives intersect with the lives of birds! Activities and events are held at different locations around the Twin Cities and some are held virtually.

Birds Without Borders

Free community event celebrating World Migratory Bird Day!  Celebrate birds.  Connecting cultures.

Saturday, May 14, 10am-2pm

Sahalee Park, Madras, Oregon

Storytelling with Wilson Wewa, Northern Paiute tribal member

Native American flute music with James Edmund Greeley


World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

Our day will be spent celebrating birds and educating the public about the dangers that birds face every day but especially during their long migrations. We will have tables with education, native plants, eco friendly crafts and ambassador raptors in attendance to help spread our messages for birds. Our day will finish with a flying falcons demonstration. 

Lawrence Kansas World Migratory Bird Day Festival

In Lawrence Kansas, several conservation groups are partnering to host a celebration of World Migratory Bird Day at the Mutt Run Dog Park at Clinton Lake in Lawrence on May 14 2022 from 10:00 am -1:00 pm. Activities and informational tables will educate the public about migratory birds in Kansas, as well as how native plantings improve bird habitat. Attendees can participate in a bird watching walk and a native plant restoration event in a 10-acre grassland area of the park.

World Migratory Bird Day at Timucuan Preserve

Celebrate World Migratory at Timucuan Preserve April 23, 2022. We will offer special fun and informative videos on our website (www.nps.gov/TIMU) and social media platforms. In park, we will offer a bird-centric take-n-make craft bags and stickers. Returning this year are bird hikes. The bird hikes will have a limit of 25 participants. The hikes are tentativley scheduled 9:00 am, 10:00 am, 11:00 am, and 1:00 pm. A special Owl Prowl will be offered at 7:00 pm.

Point Reyes Birding & Nature Festival Family Fun Day

The Environmental Action Committee of West Marin & Amigos Alados Present
Point Reyes Birding & Nature Festival
Sunday Family FUN Day
Sunday, April 24th, 2022 | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm | Suggested Donation $15

65 Third Street | Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
(on the green lawn next to the EAC office and Cowgirl Creamery)


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