
Octobird Fest 2022

The October Bird Festival in Texcoco is an event that has been taking place in Texcoco for three years and seeks to publicize the problems faced by birds that live in and migrate to cities. Texcoco is a municipality with enormous importance for migratory bird species, both terrestrial and aquatic, since it has forest and aquatic ecosystems.

Festival de aves migratorias "Sierra de Guadalupe"

Realization of a festival, which will be open to the public with cultural activities, as well as workshops in reference to the World Migratory Bird Day, to be carried out in 2 universities located between the municipalities of Tultitlán and Coacalco in the State of Mexico as part of its activities related to Natural Sciences: The festival will be presented to people who can relate the "World Migratory Bird Day" with the central theme "dark nights, safe migrations" on environmental and cultural issues (plastic arts, literature, music, dance, theater, etc) from the perspective of bird conserv

V Festival de Aves Playeras en Ecuador

The V Shorebird Festival in Ecuador is a three-day event that invites us to celebrate the value of migratory birds and their critical habitats, this year we celebrate the importance of the mangrove and intertidal mud flats for shorebirds that travel between the northern and southern hemisphere, and also the designation of the Canal de Jambelí in the southern Gulf of Guayaquil as a site of international importance for migratory shorebirds. 18 species that nest in Alaska use the Jambeli Channel for wintering and it is a key feeding site on their migratory path.

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

En familia celebremos el "Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias". El Museo Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Mexicanos, Alas Urbanas - Club de observadores de aves del estado de Puebla, PAU Puebla y el Jardín Etnobotánico Francisco Peláez R. entre otras organizaciones, nos reunimos para promover actividades, talleres y conferencias para que compartir la emoción por la observación de las aves y generar estrategias para promover la conservación de estos maravillosos seres vivos con quienes compartimos el espacio. 

Festival de las Aves migratorias de Barra Zacapulco

The La Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve will carry out various activities aimed at children and people from the community of Barra Zacapulco, to promote knowledge and conservation of migratory birds that arrive in their community, this through talks, tours for bird watching , workshops, contests and activities with children, in addition to environmental cinema.

World Migratory Bird Day at Little Beaver State Park

Minds were able to take flight On May 14, 2022, at little Beaver State Park. The park teamed up with Three Rivers Avian Center for their annual Migration Celebration!

The event gave families a hands-on experience to learn about our native migrating birds. In addition to getting up close and personal with horned owls, falcons, and even a bald eagle, folks had a chance to learn about West Virginia ecosystems, bird bone structure, and much more.

World Migratory Bird Day at Inidira Gandhi Zoological Park

Marking the 'World Migratory Bird Day' observed on May 14, Indira Gandhi Zoological Park (IGZP) is going to organise a range of events for bird enthusiasts. In this connection, the IGZP is conducting a 'Bird Watching' event. Many species of migratory birds can be found in and around Visakhapatnam Zoo.

World Migratory Bird Day

World Migratory Bird Day in Kuala Simbur Village, Jambi Province, Indonesia (hosted by Wildlife Observer Community – Indonesia)
Saturday 14 – Monday 16 May 2022



During May, songbirds migrating from South America pass through our area on their way to breeding grounds in the forests of Canada. These tiny travelers use forest preserves as stopover spots to rest and refuel. Join us to learn the secrets of these birds’ extraordinary journeys during guided hikes, family activities and presentations.

Schedule of events

World Migratory Bird Day Event

Our chapter will be celebrating our second annual World Migratory Bird Day on this day with the global theme “Dim the Lights for Birds at Night” to focus on the impacts of light pollution on migratory birds.
The University of Illinois Extension and the Freeport Public Library will also be part of this event! We will also have bird treats from The Cookie Jar bakery!


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