
Migratory Bird Day at the Great Bend Brit Spaugh Zoo

From 1:30-2:30 p.m., visitors can take a tour of the zoo's veterinary clinic and learn about the work done to rehabilitate birds of prey.

Many of the raptors, or birds of prey, that the zoo takes in are migratory birds and are only passing through, Zoo Curator Ashley Burdick notes. The zoo attempts to rehabilitate injured raptors in hopes that they can then be released into the wild. Those who can't sometimes take up permanent residence at the zoo.

Sunday afternoon, visitors can meet one of the zoo's very own migratory birds, a Mississippi kite named Penelope.

3er Festival de las Aves Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo.

Muy emocionados de Festejar a las aves y compartir la importancia de Isla Mujeres como sitio de parada, descanso y reproducción  para las aves migratorias en este 3er. Festival de las Aves de Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo. Hablaremos sobre contaminación luminica y como podemos mitigar su impacto. ¡Ven a celebrar con nosotros el amor a las Aves y la conservación de sus habitats! Tendremos pláticas, Talleres, Juegos, Exposiciones y mucho más.



Fontenelle Forest Migratory Bird Day

Join us for a Migratory Bird Day Celebration!

Have you ever wondered why do some birds migrate and others don’t? How do they complete their seasonal journeys and what dangers do they face?

Fontenelle Forest is participating in a citizen-science event in partnership with other state-wide organizations to help celebrate Nebraska’s Migratory Bird Month.

This event will include:

8th Annual Indian Cave State Park Migratory Bird Day

4-6pm Hands-on activities for all ages , Make and Take bird feeders, crafts, and games
6-7:30pm Fish Fry ( $10/adults, $5/kids 12 and under)
Car Show 3-6pm (registration 2-3pm, awards @ 6pm, and Hot Wheel races @ 4) All Ages

Lewis & Clark SRA Migratory Bird Day Celebration!

Come celebrate everything birds! Join us all day for a variety of birding programs. Bird walks, games, crafts, kite flying, and end the day with our annual Glow in the Dark Migratory Bird Egg Hunt!

Tracy Aviary's Urban Bird Festival

Join the Aviary on World Migratory Bird Day for a weekend-long celebration of the connection between nature and the city at our Liberty Park campus. Featuring activities with community partners, bird care staff talks, and learning while exploring the birds and surrounding nature we love. Event included with price of admission.

Celebración del Día Mundial de las aves migratorias en la Sierra Gorda

This is the first festival celebrated at the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve, the program will be aimed at all ages. Opening with birdwatching in a Ramsar Site "La Presa Jalpan", then a photographic, and artistic exposition (drawings and sculptures made by children and youngsters), conversation with experts on the subject, and finishing with a documentary about birds.

Décimo festival a Tláloc, San Lucas Xolox, Tecámac, estado de México

Descripción del evento: El Décimo festival a Tláloc, es una celebración que se realiza en el cerro de Xolox, en el municipio de Tecámac al norte del estado de México. Durante la celebración se realizarán pláticas enfocadas a conocer las interacciones que tienen las aves con recursos florales importantes en la región, como es el caso del maguey pulquero (Agave salmiana), que inicia su periodo de floración en los meses de marzo-abril y hasta julio cuando inicia el proceso de producción de semilla.

World Migratory Bird Day Festival

Each spring, birds begin their journey north. Wood ducks, osprey, bluebirds, tanagers and more fly thousands of miles each year – some passing through Minnesota, and some staying here to nest for the summer. Birders of all skills will find activities and hikes to enjoy for the day. Watch as a bird bander places small bands on the legs of songbirds, meet raptors up close, take a hike with a naturalist to find spring migrants in the woods and fields, and create some bird-themed artwork. Binoculars will be available to use for the day.

Protect our feathered friends!

Primary School students will be engaged in the art installation and story telling session. Selected students will showcase a dance performance to spread this year's World Migratory Bird Day theme of Light Pollution, with the slogan "Dim the lights for birds at night!" . We will also discuss ecological imbalance and conservation of migratory birds and their habitat. 


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