
World Migratory Bird Day with Lake Victoria Sunset Birders

Participants meet at the Wildlife Clubs of Kenya Offices Kisumu at 7.00 a.m. Activities for the day will include a birdwalk for school children and members of the public along the shores of Lake Victoria, and thereafter talks and video shows
on migratory birds at the Wildlife Clubs of Kenya offices, Kisumu.

Field Excursion to Arankele Forest

A field excursion for members of the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka will be organized. This two-day excursion is planned to be conducted in the Arankele forest in the Kurunegala District. This is one of the best places to watch forest birds in the district. Camping facilities for the participants will be provided.

Migratory Birds in a changing climate

Bird watching in these areas will run parallel. Thereafter, groups shall converge at Isecheno and Buyangu Resource centers for refreshments. At Isecheno a video show on Birds of Prey and a demonstration of the Bird Call- back Radio.

Birdwatching trip for the local Budapest Group of MME

This birdwatching excursion is devoted to the WMBD event for the Budapest Group of MME/BirdLife Hungary. It takes a whole day birding in the area of Apaj-puszta that belongs to the Kiskunsag Natonial Park, several habitat types exist here such as wetlands, pannon grasslands, salt lakes and steppes and fishpond areas. The most endangered species in the area are the following: Black-winged Stilt, Avocet, Stone Curlew, Collared Pratincole, Kentish Plover, Great Bustard, Saker and Red-footed Falcon, Tawny Pipit and Lesser Grey Shrike.

Mudflat trekking and birdwatching on island of Juist in the German Wadden Sea

On WMBD 2007 the Nationalparkhaus on the island Juist offers all interested people to take part in a birdwatching activity during sunset on the occasion of World Migratory Bird Day.

Big Bird Race at Bongam Tidal Flat-South Korea

We will held a Big Bird Race at tidal flat to watch wader or snipe birds migrated from Australia.

We expect that more than 150 students and people would participate this event to watch migratory Birds and local company supporters for wetland conservations willingly funded to protect the birds.

The student team will be seperated into 12 groups around Bongam tidal flat which is artificially restortated by NGOs and citizens and only suburb area to watch the sensitive and week bird species.

World Migratory Bird Day 2007 in Tunisia

To celebrate the WMBD 2007 Association \"Les Amis des Oiseaux\" (AAO), the BirdLife International Partner in Tunisia, is joining hands with the Regional Activities Center for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA), who is funding the planned events, and the Media Library in Ariana.
The following five events are planned:

Avistamiento de Aves (Birdwatching at Cali - Valle del Cauca)

Salida de Campo con los niños de la Vereda Chicoral, ubicada en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia, para avistar las aves de la región y enseñarles sobre las aves migratorias y la importancia de su conservación.
(Calidris will conduct environmental education activities for school children to sensitize for the importance of conservation for the Central region of Colombia, migratory birds and climate change.)

World Migratory Bird Day with Arabuko Sokoke Forest Guides Association

Birding excursion to Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and Mida Creek. Members meet at the Kenya Wildlife Service Visitor Centre, Gede at 6.30 a.m.


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