
Young Generation for Migratory Bird Conservation Challenges

On April 1, the NGO ECO-CARE launched a contest with 17 questions about birds. Students can pick up the form from their teacher, fill in the answers, and bring them back to the same teacher. On April 20, we will collect the forms for correction by school. A transparent draw will be held in each school to select the top 5 students. After the draw, the top 5 students will simulate a training on the answers and a mixed team (NGO ECO-CARE and teachers of the school) will now select the top 2 students and those who explain better.

Birds Without Borders

Free community event celebrating World Migratory Bird Day!  Celebrate birds.  Connecting cultures.

Saturday, May 14, 10am-2pm

Sahalee Park, Madras, Oregon

Storytelling with Wilson Wewa, Northern Paiute tribal member

Native American flute music with James Edmund Greeley


World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

Our day will be spent celebrating birds and educating the public about the dangers that birds face every day but especially during their long migrations. We will have tables with education, native plants, eco friendly crafts and ambassador raptors in attendance to help spread our messages for birds. Our day will finish with a flying falcons demonstration. 

Lawrence Kansas World Migratory Bird Day Festival

In Lawrence Kansas, several conservation groups are partnering to host a celebration of World Migratory Bird Day at the Mutt Run Dog Park at Clinton Lake in Lawrence on May 14 2022 from 10:00 am -1:00 pm. Activities and informational tables will educate the public about migratory birds in Kansas, as well as how native plantings improve bird habitat. Attendees can participate in a bird watching walk and a native plant restoration event in a 10-acre grassland area of the park.

World Migratory Bird Day at Hornsby Bend

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with fellow birders at the premier birding spot in Travis County, Hornsby Bend.

Morning Bird Survey: 7 AM – 11:30 AM
Beginners’ Bird Walk: 9 AM – 11:30 AM
Social Hour: 11:30 AM – 1 PM
Afternoon Survey: 4 PM – Sunset

Birding through the Parks: Buckley Homestead


Spring migration is almost at its peak, so join a naturalist and enjoy our feathered friends visiting Lake County Parks. We will explore the ‘back 80’ of grassland and woods at Buckley Homestead.

Please dress for the weather, as trails will be wet this time of year.

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED; please call 219-844-3188.

HOORAY for Birds! Day

Come in and see what birds are visiting the preserve on this worldwide day of celebrating birds!

We will have limited binoculars to borrow for use out on the trails and bird headbands for our younger birders to make.

Also, you can see bird nests and feathers on display.

World Migratory Bird Day at Timucuan Preserve

Celebrate World Migratory at Timucuan Preserve April 23, 2022. We will offer special fun and informative videos on our website ( and social media platforms. In park, we will offer a bird-centric take-n-make craft bags and stickers. Returning this year are bird hikes. The bird hikes will have a limit of 25 participants. The hikes are tentativley scheduled 9:00 am, 10:00 am, 11:00 am, and 1:00 pm. A special Owl Prowl will be offered at 7:00 pm.

Observation des oiseaux migrateurs à Pindaï (Pouembout)

En préfiguration de la journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs, la SCO vous invite pour une sortie naturaliste sur Pindaï (Pouembout) à la découverte de l'avifaune remarquable de la presqu'île.

Des limicoles à marée basse jusqu'à l'arrivée des puffins sur leur colonie au coucher du soleil, cette sortie sera spécialement dédiée à l'observation des nos plus emblématiques oiseaux migrateurs qui renouvellent au fil des ans le grand voyage vers nos rivages, perpétuant ainsi le cycle des migrations et de la vie.

Kuwait Birders Club - Bird Walk

Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day 2022 , Kuwait birders Club (KBC) will be conductiong birdwatching session followed by a bird walk in Kuwait , followed by an educational session on migratory birds and its passage through the country, as Kuwait is one of the main migratory path for passerine birds and Raptors to and fro from Europe to Africa.

Short lectures on migratory birds will be given during the bird walk by Senior birders Irvin Sabastian ( Irvin Calicut ) & Kichu Aravind.



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