
Naturalistic Observatory of Culuccia Island - Discover migratory birds and their habitats in Porto Liscia

Join us to celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day!

The naturalistic Observatory of Culuccia Island invites you on May 14th, from 10 to 13 a.m., to discover the wetland of Porto Liscia, where birds migrating from northern Africa to Europe stop, rest and feed.

The Observatory team will lead a two hours walk to observe the birds and their habitats, then children will create small bird-feeder to take home and put up in winter time.

For more information plase call +39 366 634 5287

Celebrate Migratory Birds! Family Hike

They’re back! Mark the return of many fine feathered friends as we celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with an educational talk and hike for families at the Boyd Woods Audubon Sanctuary. On this walk, led by Kent Center School Science Teacher Josh Szwed and LHAS President Marie Kennedy, we’ll learn about migration flyways, marvel at some migratory champions, and learn how you can help give returning birds a warm welcome! We’ll meet at the parking lot, make our way to the bird blind, and learn about the theme for this year’s World Migratory Bird Day.

USFS & Meeker School District Celebrate WMBD 2022

The United States Forest Service will partner with the Meeker School District to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day for the 20th consecutive year. Mary Cunningham, Biological Scientist on the Blanco Ranger District of the White River National Forest, will present the 2022 PPT presentation to students in grades 4-8 at Meeker Elementary and Barone Middle Schools to explore the theme 'Dim the Lights for Birds at Night'. All students will go on bird walks from 8-10 AM each morning beginning on April 26 through May 12.

Nighttime Migration: Sabino Canyon Night Walk

Join us at Sabino Canyon for an evening walk in celebration of World Migratory Bird Day! This year’s theme for WMBD is focused on light pollution and its effect on birds. Did you know that many birds migrate only during the night? Come discover why as we celebrate the night sky, and spring migration, look for nocturnal birds and reptiles, and enjoy the beauty of the Sonoran Desert on a warm evening! Fee required for parking ($8) at Sabino Canyon. Registration on Tucson Audubon Website required

World Migratory Bird Day at Steinaker State Park

Come celebrate World Migratory Bird Day at Steinaker State Park near Vernal. Join us for a hike, birding presentation, and dark sky events!

About this event

Steinaker State Park and the Division of Wildlife Resources are hosting an all-day celebration of World Migratory Bird Day on May 14, 2022, at Steinaker State Park near Vernal.


Event schedule

Save Light for The Future of Migratory Birds

Aceh has a fairly large coastline, with the eastern part of Aceh bordering Thailand and Malaysia, the Indian Ocean, and Andaman Islands. The strategic location strongly supports the presence of migratory birds internationally along the East Asia-Australasian Flyway (EAAF). From the results of research conducted by Van Mrie & Voous (1988); Crossland (2000); Iqbal et al (2010); Iqbal et al (2013); Putra et al (2019); Iqbal et al (2020), they recorded 42 species of coastal birds that migrated along the east coast of Aceh province.

Celebrate WMBD at Walter Baker Park!

Join the Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre and Wild Birds Unlimited (Kanata) under the picnic structure at Walter Baker Park to celebrate WMBD! 

Pack your picnic and drop by the covered picnic structure between 10:00 am - 2:00 pm to:

- Participate in several bird-themed craft activities

- Challenge yourself to the Dim the Lights for Birds at Night scavenger hunt

- Borrow a pair of binoculars and go for a bird walk

- Learn more about Ottawa's only organization dedicated to rehabilitating injured wild birds

Birds of pray and their migration routes

We're in one of the most famous areas for birdwatching, in the middle of the route of migrating birds of prey that cross the Strait of Gibraltar from Africa and are headed to Europe for nesting. 

Together with our ornithologist, we'll walk from Arenzano to the Scarpeggin hut and during the trekking we'll learn about habits, routes, and journeys of the various species that we'll observe during the day.

Binoculars are recommended.

Partecipation is free, booking is mandatory.

Pondicherry Bird Walk

A 3 mile bird walk starting at Airport Marsh at 0700 and then moving to the 289 Airport Road Trailhead at 0800. 

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

World Migratory Bird Day is an annual event for educating the public about the urgent conservation needs of migratory birds and their habitats. On Saturday, May 14, join Pipestone National Monument for a fun and informative day of activities for the whole family! 


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