
Día de las Aves Migratorias - Oriente Antioqueño

Los bosques, ríos, humedales y represas del Oriente Antioqueño en Colombia, son el hábitat de más de 400 especies de aves, entre las que se destacan un gran número de especies migratorias. Las comunidades rurales y de la mano de empresas como ISAGEN y FAUNATIVA adelantan procesos de sensibilización para la conservación de la biodiversidad, vinculando de primera mano a los campesinos y pobladores locales en proyectos de ecoturismo sustentable, principalmente en la observación de aves.

Visita guiada a s'Albufereta / Birdwatching guided tour at s'Albufereta

Visita guiada amb l'ornitòleg Manolo Suárez per conèixer  l’interessant món dels aucells.  Descobrirem els aucells migrants de l’Albufereta, quins són els seus viatges, quins són hivernants, quins són estivals i quins són residents de tot l’any a la Reserva Natural. Caminarem per diferents ambients per veure la màxima varietat d’aus, des de la platja fins a les llacunes interiors. 


Birdwathching in Shahryar

The  culture of Bird Watching, increase public awareness on environmental matters with an emphasis on bird watching and threatened species through the site and virtual networks. For World Migratory Bird Day, we arrange a free birding tour in Shahryar to show the people how thy can find birds easily around .

Birdwathching in Lar national park

The  culture of Bird Watching, increase public awareness on environmental matters with an emphasis on bird watching and threatened species through the site and virtual networks. For World Migratory Bird Day, we arrange a special birding tour in lar national park.

Birdwatching for World Migratory Bird Day

We make some presentations about birds, migration, and birdwatching in highschool, Bahçeşehir, in Burdur. After the education, we make birdwatching with students for World Migratory Bird Day.

Taqah team

The Taqah Team will make a photography exhibit in 5/10/2017 to 5/12/2017 and in 5/11/2017 in doing so, they will will go to watch birds.

Birdwatching for the World Migratory Bird Day 2017

The Kalloni Environmental Information Center will organize a birdwatching even for the public at the Kalloni Salt Pans on May the 7th. This time of year and through the Kalloni Gulf wetlands a great number of migratory bird species pass to migrate further north: Glossy Ibis, Squacco/ Night/ Purple Heron, Little and Temminck Stint, Wood and Marsh Sandpiper, Whiskered/ Black and White-winged Black Tern and many more!

Célébration de la journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateursà El Haouaria.

A l'occasion de la célébration de la journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs, l'association tunisienne d'éducation environnementale et de conservation des ressources naturelles (ATEECREN) en partenariat avec le club d'enfants de Haouaria ont organisé le 6 mai 2017, une manifestation écologique  comportant :
- des ateliers d'animation sur les oiseaux en Tunisie (identification, répartition, migration)
- un concours avec remise de prix
- une séance d'observation du phénomène de la migration au centre ornithologique de Sidi Ameur.

Aras Bird Research and Education Center

1. Press Release at Birdbanding Station

2. Telling the attendance day's theme

3. Bird watching

Participants: Iğdır University, Iğdır Governorship, Hazar College, Bahçeşehir College, Yıldız College, Iğdır National Education Directorate, Iğdır Agriculture Directorate, Dilucu customs gate

Surface Mine Tree Planting Event

Green Forests Work, a non-profit dedicated to reforesting coal surface mined lands, is partnering with the United States Forest Service, American Forests, and the Mennen Environmental Foundation to host a volunteer tree planting event on formerly mined land on Cheat Mountain in the Monongahela National Forest.


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