
Beginning Birders at Afton State Park

Join the naturalist for a stroll and learn about the basic techniques of bird identification during spring migration. Binoculars and bird guides will be available. (651-231-6968,

Voice unification for birds conservation from Fort-dauphin, Madagascar to the world

As in 2017, this year the "Tropical Biodiversity and Social Enterprise" (TBSE) decided to celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day here in Fort Dauphin, Madagascar. The event centered around three main activities : Movie watching ; Educational Activity ; Birdwatching, and will be celebrated on the 9th of May, and the 12th of May. The first session of the 9th of May includes film screening and educational activity. We hope to host around 40 students from schools arond the town.

World Migratory Bird Day at Elkhorn Slough Reserve

  • Nature Tours
  • Tour during low tide to see shorebirds. This tour will include oak forest, eucalyptus forest, and grassland habitat. 
  • Crafts (DIY Bird Masks and Mother's Day Cards)
  • Fun flight activity using different wing types made out of carboard.
  • Interpretive bird table

World Migratory Bird Day - Togo

Good destination for the ornithologists, the Lake Togo allows to observe easily many species of birds. We list it more of different 100 which use the area of the lake (64 km ²) and the favorable environmental conditions according to their needs (migration, places of food or nesting).


El próximo domingo 13 de mayo daremos la BIENVENIDA A LAS CARRACAS, que desde el mes de abril están llegando a sus territorios de cría y prácticamente todas ya están en sus zonas de reproducción por lo que ya es más probable contactar con adultos realizando vuelos de exhibición y cortejo.

En el Aula de la naturaleza de Rambla Salada, la asociación LA CARRACA, propone realizar un taller de dibujo de carracas e ilustración de camisetas para que todos pasemos un rato divertido con los más pequeños. Será de 10.00 a 12.00.

Una rondine non fa primavera

Con il patrocinio del Comune di Monte Castello di Vibio e la partecipazione di alcuni residenti, dal 2016 è in corso il progetto "Una rondine non fa primavera" finalizzato alla divulgazione ed alla raccolta dati su due specie di passeriformi migratori, la Rondine ed il Balesrtuccio. Questa primavera appuntamento a Doglio per una breve passeggiata per osseravare upupe, ascoltare cuculi e rigogoli.  Con un pò di fortuna potremo vedere alcuni rapaci migratori presenti nella zona, il Biancone ed il Nibbio bruno.

world migratory bird day - 2018

Bird Camp will be organizes  by Nature Reserve Rivnenskyi. Public will be invited to celebrate the return of migratory birds. Activities will focus on kids and include songbird-banding demonstration and lectures about birds of our region.

Bird watching on the Manko waterbird and wetland center.

We will introduce you to bird watching on the Manko wetland.
In early May, migratory water birds are going to arctic breeding ground. During long migration, their visit on Manko wetland for resting / charge energy. Let's find out migratory birds on Manko wetland.

World Migratory Bird Day with Salinas Pueblo Missions

Salinas Pueblo Missions will host an event for visitors to come out and celebrate, "The year of the Bird," during the World Migratory Bird Day on Saturday, May 12, 2018 at the Quarai unit of Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument. This special day for celebrating was inaugurated by Partners in Flight in 1992 as a way to hilight its mission and that of its nearly 200 Partners. This second Saturday in May was chosen because peak migration offers the ideal opportunity to bring people and birds together -- to sow the seeds of wonder and caring.


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