
The Migratory Soaring Birds Project celebrates the World Migratory Bird Day in Yemen

Wed. 16OCT 2013: Preparatory team leaves Sana’a for Bab al-Mandab by land transportation via Taiz. Meet the authorities to discuss the details of the event. Dinner and overnight (o/n) camping in Bab al-Mandab. Thu, 17 OCT 2013: Early departure of all of the participants and stakeholders from Sana’a to Bab al-Mandab by land transportation (about 10 hours by a mini coach – 19 seats) via Taiz. Breakfast and lunch en route. Once arrived at Bab al-Mandab will do a bird-watching tour to see the landing MSBs.

Giras de observación de aves migratorias en el Bosque Protector Cerro Golondrinas, provincia del Carchi

Carchi en conmemoración de celebrar un año más el día internacional de las aves migratorias ha previsto realizar una gira de observación a sectores estratégicos de observación de aves uno de estos lugares es el Bosque Protector Cerro Golondrinas, sitio de encanto y gran belleza natural que ofrece a sus visitantes silvestres un lugar de descanso y alimentación para los continuos viajes

World Migratory Bird Day - Verdens trekkfugldag

Nordre Øyeren Wetland Centre arranged a bird watching trip to Nordre Øyeren nature reserve on Sunday 12 of May. Our guide was from Nordre Øyeren Birding Station and he could tell us a lot about the birds that we observed on our trip. Only three people attended, and the weather has to take the blame. It was rainy and windy, but luckily the rain stopped five minutes before the trip was about to start.

Día Internacional de las Aves Migratorias en Elche

Las actividades programadas en el Paraje Natural Municipal del Clot de Galvany (Elche), designado por la Unión Europea como Zona de Especial Protección para las Aves (ZEPA), giran en torno a la importancia de este tipo de aves y a su presencia en el paraje, para lo cual se han preparado unas visitas guiadas por nuestros monitores y unas charlas que acercarán a todos los públicos a un mejor conocimiento de estas aves y de sus rutas migratorias, así como del papel fundamental que representa la conservación de parajes como el Clot de Galvany para garantizar su supervivencia.

10th Germany-wide Birdrace // 10. deutschlandweites Birdrace

During the Birdrace teams of 3 to 5 birdwatchers try to register as many bird species as possible in their region (usually a district) within 24 hours. It runs throughout the 4th May. The number of teams is growing from year to year. In 2012 already 165 teams participated and registered 292 bird species (all free-flying species are countable). So the first Saturday in May (when the Birdrace usually takes place) is the unofficial "Day of bird diversity" in Germany.

Awareness Camp

The aim is to take the interested young volunteers to the IBAs, and to introduce the rear and newly coming migratory birds to this region. For more effective motivation, we eagerly waiting for the posters and stickers as you distributes! But last year we didn't received as per you comment.

Birding-rally "Seese&Swans"

Spring traditional Birding Rally "Seese&Swans" is an ornithological team sport competition by car. Each team should reach each section of the rally route within the time limit, photographing and identifying the greatest possible number of bird species encountered on the route. This route will go through natural protected areas and historic sites and that consider birding as an important strategy that can contribute effectively to the conservation of most diverse and threatened areas. It is a 3 day event that brings together around 70 people.

Birdwatching at Ropar International Wetland Ramsar Site,Punjab INDIA

A birdwatching full two day event will be organised at the Ropar Internatioanl Wetland Ramsar Site, Ropar Punjab State of India. General public,clubs and students of various local schools will be invited to the site for birdwatching and information about the conservation of Ropar wetland will be emphasized, which is a very important migratory bird site during winter, starting from October to March. Thanks.

Pacific Spirit Park Bird Walk - 8:30 am – Nature Vancouver

Join Julian Hudson to learn more about birds. All levels and ages of birders are invited to attend and our guides will help you use binoculars and bird guides to locate the birds. We ask that all children be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The bird walks are open and free for all, but please come early to reserve a spot in case they fill up.

Networking of Activities at Bottleneck sites and Migratory Birds

A formal gathering and discussion under the patronage of the Minister of State for Environmental Affairs (MSEA) will be guided by SSCW staff and volunteers to facilitate networking for the protection of Migratory Birds and to present the importance of such bottleneck sites in order to demonstrate: • The sheer size and diversity of migrating birds through bottleneck locations. • The importance of Bottleneck locations for migratory birds and as demonstrated of being an important bird area on the flyway.


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