
Birding Expedition to Takwa Bay

This annual WMBD will be commemorated with a bird watching activity in Takwa Bay, a shoreline along the Coastal region of Lagos, Nigeria. The event will be done by the Lekki Bird Club a(LBC) and other nature enthusiasts. The LBC is a volunteer based bird conservation group tasked with promoting bird conservation in Lagos and Nigeria. The activity will include the identification and counting of bird species (migratory and resident seabirds). The LBC is an initiative of the Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF).

Community participation for conserving feathered creatures of local vicinity

In the regular activities of RSNH, the youth team of the organization will organize educational activities for creating ornithological awareness among the next generation along with the periodic visits of the site of habitats of birds (both for migratory and residents). The most important aspect of the activities will be involvement of local residents to raise local eco-ethical and conservation practices which are part of the culture in protecting birds and their habitats.

World Migratory Bird Day 2012: Centro Studi Naturalistici ONLUS

Il Centro Studi Naturalistici - ONLUS referente della Federazione Pro-Natura in Capitanata, intende aderire come rappresentante nazionale per l´Italia alla giornata mondiale della migrazione degli uccelli.
Questo importante evento nasce con l´intento di far conoscere l´importanza, a livello europeo, dell´area mediterranea per la migrazione degli uccelli.
Esso si inserisce inoltre nell´ambito delle attività di comunicazione e sensibilizzazione previste dal progetto LIFE + 2007 - “Azioni di conservazione per l´avifauna prioritaria dell´Oasi Lago Salso”.

Vancouver World Migratory Bird Day

"Vancouver's World Migratory Bird Day has raised the awareness of residents of the variety of birds and the international importance of habitats around the city"
– Dr. Rob Butler

AEWA 5th Meeting of the Parties (AEWA MOP5)

Celebrating WMBD 2012 in La Rochelle in the context of the AEWA 5th Meeting of the Parties (AEWA MOP5)

Spring Trip to Southern Estonia

Birders from Central Ostrobothnia will make a field trip to Estonia during the best migration season of arctic geese and waterfowl. We are planning to visit the great birding destinations along Matsalu Bay and Pärnu Bay areas, follow migration in Kabli and find other interesting birds at Pikla ponds.


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