
Avistamiento y Fotografía de Aves Migratorias y Nativas // Sighting & Photography of Native and Migratory Birds

Por el Día Internacional de Las Aves Migratorias, como una forma de incentivar la conservación de las aves migratorias y nativas de la zona, El Pais de Jauja dará inicio de actividades para el Avistamiento y Fotografía de Aves Nativas y Migratorias en la ciudad de Jauja. Este proyecto buscará la participación de la población local y publico externo ( visitantes , extrangeros , etc), así como también con la participación y financiamiento de agentes privados.

World Migratory Birds Festival- Birdlife UNDP/GEF migratory soaring birds project

In this event PWLS will celebrate World Migratory Birds Day in Jericho. Under the project Birdlife UNDP/GEF migratory soaring bird’s project. PWLS will implement a full day festival for farmers and decision makers. This event will include the subjects of Migratory Soaring Birds & Waste Management and Migratory Soaring Birds & Agriculture. Bird watching and banding, hiking, presenting about the project of Migratory Soaring Birds and an awareness campaign for the targeted audience will be implemented during the Festival.

2013 Birds Korea Birdathon

Celebrate this year’s World Migratory Bird Day (or weekend!) by spending time bird watching and fundraising for a host of long-distance migrant species – including the beautiful and Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper, a shorebird that depends on tidal-flats here in East Asia during its migration.

L'anellament, a Can Cullerassa

Coneixerem de prop la feina que fan els ornitòlegs per l’estudi de la migració d’aus migratòries durant la tasca d'anellament científic al Prat de Can Cullerassa, també aprofitarem per fer un poc d’observació d’aus. Cal inscripció prèvia al tf: 971892250

Bird Watching

Every day visit to kodigahkanda forest for birding & write field note.

Migratory Bird Day Celebration

The day was celebrated by the Department of Environmental Science in Collaboration with the Bird Conservation Society, Ajmer. Vice Chancellor of M.D.S. University, Prof. Roop Singh Bareth chaired the inaugural session. There were film shows on migratory birds of Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur, a quiz was performed and a powerpoint presentation was done to explain the Science of Migration. There is a field visit planned for 12th

Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day 2013

Bird watching activities and education awareness programmes in local schools, youth groups and community levels

Making a wetland centre. Training seminar for educational departments of nature protected areas of NW Russia

The seminar is aimed to motivate educational departments of nature protected areas for making a wetland visitor center. The seminar was organised with the support of the Matra programme of Embassy of Netherlands and in collaboration with Wetlands International Russia. Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust also took part in the seminar - the head of Wetland Link International, Chris Rostron made some presentations about the UK experience in making wetland centers.

Tree planting and bird watching at Sakumo Ramsar Site

For the first time, farmers, mostly peasants, will join children from basic schools within the catchment communities of Sakumo Ramsar Site to plant trees and do birdwatching at the Site. The school children will train the farmers on site how to use binoculars and bird counting techniques. The whole exercise will be supervised by staff of the Wildlife Division and Friends of Ramsar Sites.


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