Educational Activity

Ruthven Park's Bird Festival

Calling all bird enthusiasts! You wont want to miss the excitement at this year’s Bird Festival! Join us for an unforgettable day of birdwatching, banding demonstrations, raptor show with Wild Ontario, Little Tracks Petting Zoo, guided hikes, craft activities, concession stand and more!

Rooftop Bird Watching

$15 per person

8am, 9am & 10am

Ages 12 & Up

Birdwatching at Divjaka-Karavasta National Park with Dertliu Gymnasium, Tirana

Environmental Club under the direction of biology professor Gentjan Hykaj from Dertliu Gymnasium, guided by AOS staff, will explore the rich natural habitats of Divjaka-Karavasta National Park, with a special focus on its wild bird species. They will learn about bird migration and the vital role this ecosystem plays as a stopover for migrating birds. At the same time, they will be informed about the threats birds face on their migratory journeys. The presence of the endangered Dalmatian Pelican in the area further highlights the importance of this wetland complex in Albania.

Zaur Chantladze Bird Watching Festival

NGO Be Active, Be Healthy hosts Zaur Chantladze Bird Watching Festival on the 12th of October to celebrate Word Migratory Bird Day.

Event starts at 7:20 AM at Kobuleti Protected Areas (crossroad of Rustaveli and Bagrationi streets) and ends at 11:10 at Administration Center of Kobuleti Protected Areas (Aghmashenebeli ave. 271).

Detailed information will be provided based on your request via our email [email protected] 

"Contra Tempos" Residência Artística

The "Contra Tempos" Residência Artística focuses on raising awareness about the impact of climate change on local biodiversity, with a special emphasis on bird species. This project brings together three Iberian nature illustrators, who will depict the rich and diverse wildlife of the region. Through their art, they aim to highlight the delicate relationship between these species and the environmental changes they face. Their work serves as a visual reminder of the urgent need to protect these ecosystems, particularly the birds, which are increasingly vulnerable to the shifting climate.

Migratory Bird Conservation as a Catalyst for Change

Join EcoLogic Development Fund and its partners, PANTERA and FACRCO, for an engaging and informative webinar focused on the critical role migratory bird conservation plays in preserving forest habitats and supporting local communities in Mexico.

Amigos de las Aves, Amigos de los insectos

El Tintal Bird Observatory llevará acabo un festival conmemorando el día mundial de las aves migratorias, las actividades de realizarán en la estación de anillamiento en donde los niños y jóvenes tendrán la oportunidad de conocer muchas de las especies migratorias que visitan la estación, se realizarán de igual forma talleres educativos para niños y jóvenes, charlas, y really de observación de aves


Passaringá is an event organized by Vem Passarinhar Paraná in partnership with the Municipal Government of Maringá and local Universities.

Its main focus is on popularizing science, environmental education and encouraging the positive use of Protect Areas, through the dissemination of information on birdwatching and ecological gardening.

Open to all ages, it is an immersion in knowledge and sensitivity, in which on a guided trail you discover a new way of visiting Urban Parks and seeing the world.

DÍA MUNDIAL DE LAS AVES MIGRATORIAS: Noches oscuras, migraciones seguras

El evento consistió en una charla sobre el ''Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias'' en la Ciudad de Tacna, Perú. En el evento asistieron alumnos universitarios y escolares de la ciudad de Tacna. Posterior a la charla, se repartió material sobre las aves migratorias y se realizó una pequeña salida de avistamiento de aves.


  • Programa de Aves Urbanas Tacna - PAU Tacna
  • Asociación de Investigación Ecobiológica - AIECO

Awareness Drive on World Migratory Birds Day 2024

A one day awareness Drive through seminar and speeches was organised on occassion of World Migratory Birds Day 2024 followed by Poster Competition, Speech Competition and Slogan Competition among college students. Finally, Bird watching was arranged for students and faculties of KB College, Bermo, Bokaro.

Field trip: Learn birdwatching (CAKE7)

Organised by the Malaysian Nature Society Selangor Branch and the Selangor Branch Bird Group, this Climate Action Kids Engagement (CAKE) field trip will show 7-12 years old children and their parents how to watch and identify birds, understand how climate change affects birds, and what little steps children can do to help the birds. At the end of the field trip, kids can contribute their bird count to eBird, and continue their birding journey with the Selangor Branch Bird Group.


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