Educational Activity

Spring Migration Celebration

Spring Mirgration Celebration 

We hope you'll plan to join us in early May for a celebration of the return of spring migrants and blossoming desert plants at Bosque del Apache!

For the first time ever, Friends will host a Spring Migration Celebration, set to take place Friday, May 5th - Saturday, May 6th. The event will include birding workshops, Friends Annual Meeting, a keynote presentation by Priyanka Kumar (author of Conversations with Birds) and our annual Desert Arboretum Stroll.

HOORAY for Birds! Day

All ages

Come in and see what birds are visiting the preserve on this worldwide day of celebrating birds! We will have limited binoculars to borrow for use out on the trails and bird headbands for our younger birders to make. Explore bird nests and feathers on display, too.


Octobird Fest 2023

El Festival de las Aves de Octubre en Texcoco es un evento que se realiza en Texcoco desde hace tres años y busca dar a conocer la problemática que enfrentan las aves que habitan y migran a las ciudades. Texcoco es un municipio de enorme importancia para las especies de aves migratorias, tanto terrestres como acuáticas, ya que cuenta con ecosistemas forestales y acuáticos.

World Migratory Bird Day at Jacob Lake VC

To celebrate and educate people about World Migratory Bird Day the Kaibab National Forest is hosting three days of bird watching, and hosting a table with materials that hilight the day, this year's theme and posters, and have activities and materials to help educate the public about this important event. The date is May 20th at the Jacob lake Visitor Center on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Come Join Us!


World Migratory Bird Day

To celebrate and educate people about World Migratory Bird Day the Kaibab National Forest is hosting three days of bird watching, and hosting a table with materials that hilight the day, this year's theme and posters, and have activities and materials to help educate the public about this important event. The first date will be on May 12th at the Kaibab lake Campground in Williams, AZ. The second is at the Tusayan Ranger District Office in Tusayan, AZ on May 13th. The third date is May 20th at the Jacob lake Visitor Center on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

Hill Country Migratory Birding Seminar

Calling all birders! The Wimberley Parks and Recreation Department is hosting the first ever Hill Country Migratory Birding Seminar. The Texas Hill Country is a rest stop for migrating birds such as the Black-capped Vireo and endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler. We invite you to attend this seminar and hear from various speakers about protecting birds, how to cultivate bird-friendly habitats, and so much more! 

Participants will meet at the Wimberley Community Center from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Online registration required and is a free event. Register at the link below: 

Migratory Bird Day

See live raptors and learn about bird migration, habitat conservation, and the importance of water resources. Local conservation groups will be in attendance to assist with a Bioblitz, helping to dientify birds, pollinators, plants, and others as we explore and learn about the habitat around Metzger Farm Open Space! 

World Migratory Bird Day at Volo Bog State Natural Area

The theme for this year's World Migratory Bird Day is WATER-Sustaining Bird Life. Visit over twenty activity stations to get your passport stamped as you learn more about birds. Stamps earn prizes - more stamps = more prizes, including the ever-popular plush bird that signs its song when squeezed. Bird passports will be available to all chlidren, as well as unaccompanied adults (w/o children).

Wereld Trekvogeldag Junior

Ben jij een vroege vogel, sla je graag je vleugels uit of ben je een beetje een vreemde eend in de bijt? Dan hoor je thuis op de Wereld Trekvogeldag in de Oostvaardersplassen. Wereld Trekvogeldag junior is een inspirerende en informatieve dag speciaal voor kinderen die geïnteresseerd zijn in vogels. Je kunt meedoen aan allerlei activiteiten zoals:

- een speurtocht
- nestkastjes timmeren
- een vogeltrekquiz

Magnificent Migrations

Join hatchery staff to exploration the diverse migratory species that play an important role in our area. Delve into the different roles that migration plays in the lives of fish, insects, and birds, and keep an eye out for these migrators as we walk around the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery. Says phoebe, rufous hummingbird, tree swallow, and belted kingfisher are some of the possible birds we may spot. This trip is great for beginner and casual birders who are interested in all kinds of migratory animals.


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