Educational Activity

Migratory Bird Day Coffeeshop Celebration

We are hosting a celebration for Migratory Bird Day at our café! Visitors can taste a variety of bird-friendly coffee, learn about the connection between migratory birds and their cup of coffee, and enjoy a presentation + Q&A from a local biologist. 

Water and Birds: An Interpretive and Educational Event in Observance of World Migratory Bird Day

Come on down and join us Saturday May 13th, 2023 for a fun filled day of activities! Meet at the Yaquina Bay Estuary Trail, Newport Oregon - meet in front of yellow submarine at Hatfield Marine Science Visitor Center - for an hour long ranger-led bird walk from 11am - 12pm to learn how to identify seabirds and shorebirds that rest on estuaries, mudflats, and salt marshes during their migration journey. Recommended to download and create accounts for Merlin Bird ID and Audubon free mobile apps on your personal device!

Intro to Drawing Birds

Join us as we celebrate World Migratory Bird Day by learning some beginner tips on how to draw realistic birds - as well as why they are important to our ecosystem.  This program is for all ages.

Peneireiros às cores

Environmental education activity. Decorating lesser kestrels silhouettes using different techniques and materials. Activity in school context and schedule.

Watching migratory birds in the Rift Valley and at the King Talal Dam

1) A birding trip is being organised for Jordan BirdWatch members and nature enthusiasts on 12-13th May 2023, we will spend two days and camp in the Rift Valley

2) As part of its education activities, Jordan BirdWatch is organizing birding trips for school children on 14-18th May 2023 at the King Talal Dam. We expect to observe late migrants like Honey Buzzards in addition to resident and summer - visiting species. 

migratory bird talking by RSAW

it is an event  with kids and families where we share our responsabilities towards birds and give awarness and show the importance to save these birds and to help them pass safely and to learn kids to be the ambassodor of peace to raise awarness in the bird conservation

Birdwatching Workshop for Kids

At a small but very diverse wetland in the Algarve, Portugal called Alagoas Brancas (it is a hotspot on eBird) we will introduce children from about 5 to 10 years to birdwatching. We will talk to them about migration of birds and why water is so important. We will do activities to get them involved: such as actual birdwatching,  journaling their observations in a prepared journal that we will hand out before we set off, playing games, singing songs and doing a creative project that the children can take home.

Bird count at Tram Chim national park

Tram Chim national park is the only one flyway network site of Vietnam. We organise waterbirds count at Tram Chim national park from April 9 to May 13 by volunteers and taking children to the field for birdwatch training. We will help them learn how to use binoculars, telescoope as well as how to identify bird, count and making records on eBird.



World Migratory Bird Day

Come enjoy many exciting activities, including the Motus kiosk at the Ankeny Hill Nature Center at Ankey National Wildlife Refuge!

Learn how this center provides necessary habitats for migrating birds and learn how tagged migratory birds are detected by the radio tower located on the north side of the building.

World Migratory Bird Day in Gulf of Mottama, Myanmar

The Gulf of Mottama is a Ramsar site in Myanmar and home to a diverse range of species, including up to 150,000 migratory waterbirds during the non-breeding season. The local community's involvement in conservation efforts is crucial for the long-term success of conservation programs and the sustainability of the wetlands and species that depend on them.


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