World Migratory Bird Day newsletter

World Migratory Bird Day newsletter categories

Natura Hoy celebra el día de las aves migratorias - Celebration of the World Migratory Bird Day by Natura Hoy

Desde el día 4 de mayo el blog Natura Hoy se quiere sumar a la celebración del día internacional de las aves migratorias dando información a diario con datos curiosos sobre muchas de ellas. desde hoy hasta el día 15 de mayo.
The blog Natura Hoy wants to join the World Migratory Bird Day celebrations by offering a Journal with interesting facts on migratory birds.
From the 4th to the 15th of May.

Zardioquí Fantasía al Vuelo - Free flying fantasy

El espectáculo Zardioquí Fantasía al Vuelo es un montaje escénico de flamenco con un concepto elegante y estilizado inspirado en las aves que habitan en la región de Quintana Roo, México.
Se trata de una obra de danza, de corte ecológico, para toda la familia, en cuyos distintos cuadros se muestran las características de ciertas aves que habitan en Quintana Roo.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at Aras Bird Research & Education Center

As previous years KuzeyDoga Society will be celebrating World Migratory Bird Day at Aras Bird Research and Education Center in northeastern Turkey. Aras valley is an important bird migration site where millions of passerines and soaring birds migrate from Africa to Eurasia and vice versa. KuzeyDoga Society has been ringing birds in this valley since 2006 and the data we have collected how Aras valley is important for bird migration due to the individuals we retrapped.

Birds Korea 2011 World Bird Migration Day Birdathon

In celebration of World Bird Migration Day 2011, we at Birds Korea are holding a Birdathon.

Bird's-eye View

Hornsby Shire Council will be creating displays in each of their 5 libraries, running for 2 weeks. The displays will include WMBD video trailers, aerial photographs showing changes in land use, migratory bird images and a collection of relevant reference books.

Salzwiesenexkursion Hallig Helmsand - Excursion to the salt marshes on holm Helmsand

Salzwiesenexkursion Hallig Helmsand mit Nationalpark- Wattführer entlang der Salzwiesen zur einzigen „Hallig“ Dithmarschens. Informationen zur Geschichte und Bedeutung der Hallig, Vögel und Salzpflanzen beobachten und bestimmen (evtl. Fernglas und Bestimmungsbuch mitbringen.)
Die Wanderung ist für Rollstuhlfahrer geeignet.
Treffpunkt: NABU Nationalparkhaus Wattwurm am Meldorfer Hafen im Speicherkoog Dithmarschen.
Keine Park- und Strandgebühren!
Dauer: ca. 2 Stunden. Keine Anmeldung erforderlich!

World Migratory Bird Day

Balochistan in Pakistan lies on the Black Sea/Mediterranean and the Central Asian Flyway. Migratory birds, which are coming from the freezing north have one of their stop over sites here, where they take refuge before they move further south. Balochistan provides numerous valleys, lakes and vast areas, which attract migratory birds.

Conservation of Migratory Birds in Cajamarca

Conference on migratory birds of Cajamarca, presentation of the book "Aves of Peru" (Birds of Peru), and workshop on bidrwatching techniques for beginners.

Journées Mondiales des Oiseaux Migrateurs

Exhibition on migration at the media library in the village of La Turbie, in the south of France on May 13 & 14.

On May 14 & 15 a bird camp will be held in the hills above La Turbie. The Mont Bataille has a 360° view from the Mediterranean sea to the mountains and is an excellent spot for the observation of migrating bee eaters and honey buzzards at the time of WMBD. Local ornithologists will explain the mysteries of migration to the general public.


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