World Migratory Bird Day newsletter

World Migratory Bird Day newsletter categories

Wold Migratory Bird Day 2011

A series of public talks on the migration of birds and a bird photography print exhibition will take place on 14th and 15th May 2011. (venue will be finalized and updated in the website link below)

    Proposed talks on
  • Bird / nature watching as a past time;
  • Approaches to bird photography - Techniques & tactics;
  • Bird migration & changes in land use;
  • Other topics related to bird watching & photography.

La cerceta carretona - The Garganey (Anas querquedula)

La cerceta carretona o “cerceta de verano” es un ánade menos gregario que su pariente próximo la cerceta común. Los machos son fáciles de reconocer gracias a la banda blanca en forma de media luna que tiene sobre los ojos que le llega hasta la nuca. Es una especie migratodora, dado que pasa el invierno en el norte de África y recorre más de 5.000 kilómetros para subir a reproducirse en puntos dispersos de la Península Ibérica y del centro y norte de Europa.

Conferencia Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias - World Migratory Bird Day Conference

Conferencia a cargo de José Luis Tellería. Catedrático del Departamento de Zoología y Antropología Física de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Lecture by Prof.Jose Luis Telleria,
Professor, Department of Zoology and Physical Anthropology, Complutense University- Madrid, Spain

Save the Last Mount Kupe Bush Strike (Telophorus Kupeensis)

Meeting local leaders to discuss about the declining quality of Mt. Kupe Bush-Strike's habitat due to increase deforestation and forest fires for farming. The decline in habitat quality leaves a very uncertain future for the species.

A4EPPSE is carrying out a WMBD campaign in some villages around the mountain.

Shorebirds ID Booklet Launch

BirdLife Australia's Shorebirds 2020 project will launch a Shorebird ID booklet for World Migratory Bird Day to support its more than 1300 volunteers in their conservation work and raise awareness for the beauty shorebirds and the threats they face in teh East Asian Australasian Flyway

Conferencia: Itinerarios Ornitológicos por Navarra

Navarra es una Comunidad extensa y poco poblada. Dispone de una panoplia de hábitats muy extensa que van desde los ambientes alpinos pirenaicos hasta las tierras semidesérticas de Las Bardenas, pasando por zonas forestales húmedas en los llanos de Ulzama, los roquedales de la Barranca, los ricos sotos de ribera del Aragón o las estepas cerealistas. Esta variedad de paisajes nos ofrecen unas variedades paisajísticas y de biodiversidad envidiables que podremos repasar en esta charla.

2nd Annual WMBD Birdathon

In celebration of World Bird Migration Day 2012. We are holding our 2nd Annual Birds Korea Birdathon on the weekend of 12 — 13 May 2012. Funds raised will again go towards our study of the Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper, a charismatic migratory shorebird in imminent danger of extinction.

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias 2012

- Guided visits from 28/4 to 20/5
- Drawing contest for children 6 to 12 years old
- Esposition with some panels showing migratory routes and impotance of Avilés estuary
- Several articles to be published in local and regional papers
- Conferences in several schools

World Migratory Bird Day: Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority

- Inviting media bodies to give media coverage for the event.

-Visiting the lakes where these migratory birds usually reside.

- sponsoring educational TV programs to disseminate important messages about migratory birds.

- Inviting professional persons from bird life partner in Ethiopia(EWNHS)

Birdwatching, Talk and Educational Activity

On Saturday the 12th we will start with a birdwatch tour in the morning. In the evening we will offer a talk about Bird Migration on the East Atlantic Flyway.
On Sunday afternoon we will offer several activitys for children in our Sience Centre of Nature Forces.


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