
Festival de las Aves

Celebración del Día de las Aves con los Niños y Niñas de la Región del Piedemonte Costero. Las Actividades se realizaran en la Reserva Natural Río Ñambí, una de los sitios con mayor concentración de aves amenazadas (12 especies)en Colombia según BirdLife.

Turkey Bird Watcher Conference

16th Turkey Bird Watchers Conference will convene on 9-10-11 May 2014 with the participation of birders, nature conservation activists and all those interested in birdwatching, flyways and nature conservation in Istanbul and across Turkey. The conference, which coincides with World Migratory Birds Day on 10 May 2014, involves a series of technical presentations along with bird watching activities as well as social activities such as a concert and games for children. Participation of representatives of BirdLife partners are also expected.

Festival de las Aves de Cáceres

El valor patrimonial de la Ciudad Monumental de Cáceres es bien conocido por su declaración como Tercer Conjunto Monumental de Europa y como Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad.

Su riqueza arquitectónica ha eclipsado durante mucho tiempo el valor ambiental que confiere a la ciudad la confluencia de tres Zonas de Especial Protección para las Aves (ZEPA) en el municipio: Llanos de Cáceres y Sierra de Fuentes, Sierra de San Pedro y Colonia de Cernícalo Primilla de la Ciudad Monumental de Cáceres, lugar donde se concentran especialmente las actividades de este Festival.

World Migratory Bird Day 2014

One of BirdLife Botswana’s strategic objectives is to create an interest in wildlife conservation (particularly of birds) among children and youth. Once a year over the last four years, BirdLife has organised World Migratory Bird Day celebrations where children from schools and a number of institutions with disadvantaged children take part (e.g. www.birdlife.org/community/2012/06/this-years-wmbd-celebrations-in-botsw...).

Vancouver Bird Week 2014

Bird Week is a week-long series of events to celebrate Vancouver's birds. Bird Week will kick off with an official proclamation and walk at the Vancouver Park Board administration office, 2099 Beach Avenue. Throughout the week, there will be artists’ workshops for kids and families, closing with a series of walks in Vancouver parks to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day.

Skaw Bird Festival

Skagen (or the Skaw) - at the very top of Denmark - is famous as the best spot in Northern Europe for observing bird migration in spring. Birds travelling from their winter quarters to breeding sites in Scandinavia and northern Russia pass this way. The season lasts from March to June, and hundreds of birders, including visitors from other countries, come here to enjoy the experience.

Folk och Fåglar ( People and Birds)

8 Lectures about birding and birds by some of Sweden most famous ornithologists and birders, art exhibitions, guided tours, World longest bird drawings ( for Children), bird ringing, binoculars and clothes for birders

Día Mundial de Aves Migratorias

The event was a workshop about the importance of conservation and protection of migratory birds and their habitat. Additionally, we taught about basic technics to identify marine migratory birds. The event took place in a Marine protected Area "The Pelado". We gave the workshop for young volunteers at the Valdivia Aquarium.

Evento de las Aves Internacionales

A collaborative event with the community members of Santa Maria de los Cocos. The day will be filled with bird related activities, crafts, workshops, and entertainment to celebrate our migratory birds and the military macaw. CONANP's ECOCHAVOS will be leading an entertainment and educational activity.


-Casa Abierta sobre las Rutas de Aviturismo en el Parque Nacional Machalilla y sus alrededores.
- Presentación de danzas, teatro y títeres alusivos a las aves del Parque Nacional Machalilla, Reserva Ayampe y Reserva La Esmeraldas
- Concurso y exposiciones de cuadros hechos con elementos reciclados con la tematica "Mi ave Migratoria Favorita"
Conferencias dictadas por los especialistas Francisco Sornoza y Benito Ben Hasse


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